Water Fasting – What Does it Mean?
Water! Our body is made up of a large percentage of it.
That fact alone should be enough for all of us to take notice of the importance water plays in the health of our body and the need to keep ourselves hydrated. Water fasting, according to the writings of Don Tolman, has existed since the beginning of life on Earth.
My own experience and opinion growing up, was based on information talked about through social interaction and the media.
Hence, water fasting, in my early and limited opinion, was something you did to lose weight. Even then, water fasting as a diet, was seen as radical and unhealthy.
I was never game enough to try water fasting when younger. Even if at the odd time I did feel the need to diet. I would fear that I could not last one day without food. Often the reaction of missing one meal was enough to think that my theory could be right.
Well, I laugh at my preconceptions surrounding fasting, now that I have gained a greater understanding of food, water and our bodies. I hope you too will expand your own knowledge from the information and resources I provide here.
There is a great program to get you informed straight away and it is available here.
In the true sense of the word, water fasting means quite simply to consume nothing else but a certain quantity of water per day, for a certain time frame.
Water Fasting – Why Do It?
There can be a number of reasons for water fasting. The health benefits are various but primarily it is for healing. This can also mean detoxifying or cleansing the body.
Often, when we fall sick, our body tells us it does not want food and just needs water so that it can concentrate on healing.
Often parents will panic if their child has not eaten after a few days of being sick and want them to eat even if their child does not feel like it yet. Then, lemonade and crackers or chicken soup are used as the first foods to put into the body. A better option would be an apple or some fresh organic raw food or healthy smoothie. This would do more to heal the body faster.
I encourage parents to give water or watermelon until your child indicates that they are feeling well enough to eat.
Water, during illness, is a key to getting well sooner rather than later as the body is better able to focus on healing. It is also critical for hydration.
Water fasting is great for those who suffer from allergies or food problems. The longer the water fast, the greater chance that you can rid yourself of your allergies.
Say, for example that your body was displaying food intolerance symptoms or had an allergy to strawberries. You may work yourself up to being able to eventually do a 21 day water fast and then re-introduce strawberries gradually.
In my opinion, water fasting for weight loss should not be the main reason for fasting but an additional benefit. If you are interested in weight loss then take a look at my article on The Green Smoothie Revolution.
Water Fasting – What To Expect
Your reaction to water fasting will depend on your current state of health.
Sometimes we can misread our health issues and this can impact how we feel when we get started.
I know when I did my first water fast, I barely made it through day one and felt sick, tired, shaky and completely out of energy. Then, as I moved toward a high raw food diet and tried my next one day water fast, I found by the end of day one I was almost ready to try a longer fast.
Doing a water fast is not always easy. You may feel quite sick when you start and it is important for you to have as much information as possible prior to starting.
You may feel worse before you start to feel better but don’t let this put you off.
People who have done water fasting have shared that the experience at day 3 is very difficult but day 4 is euphoric.
Don Tolman has done a 40 water fast on more than one occasion and yes, he is still VERY alive to prove and tell you that the benefits are amazing.
Everyone’s experience is different. The FDR explains in much greater detail, the process the body goes through during water fasting. I found the information in The FDR to be fascinating and fantastic to equip me with the knowledge and confidence to get started.
For other great tips and ideas and more on what to expect from water fasting you can check out this program.
Another step I would look at taking is filtering your water, not just for water fasting but to give your body clean water, in the true sense of the word.
Water Fasting – Go to it!
Water fasting should be something we incorporate into our routine. Your body can benefit greatly if you incorporate it for one day a week as a start or even one day a fortnight.
If you are new to water fasting then I recommend you drink the right amount of water for your body weight prior to water fasting. This means your body will be more able to adapt to the change with less reaction.
With the right information, support and understanding, water fasting is worth doing. If you want to start but you want to work your way toward water then I suggest you start with green smoothies to get your body ready.
I encourage you to share your experience by leaving a comment below. This will also help others with their journey.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2011 thenewsonfood.com ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
I found this topic fascinating and had only thought about it in diet tems before. I am now keen to find some more information about water fasting.
PS I am a long time Centerpointe user – love that program.
Hi Jenny,
It always puts a smile on my face to know I have provided some useful information through my work. I hope you will try a fast…even start with a 1/2 day if 1 day feels too hard as a first time.
Thanks for your comment.
Stay well, Eileen.
Great article about water fasting! When I was little up to my 20s I used to drink very little water. However as time goes by and I became more and more health concious, I started to have more daily intakes of water and found myself to be much stronger, healthier and less prone to diseases.
Best regards,
Wilson�´s last blog post ..Jaybird Headphones
Hi Wilson,
Glad to hear you understand the benefits of drinking more water. It is easier in Winter to overlook the amount of water we drink. I found that once I increased my water intake, I would drink 3 litres without it being hard like it was at the start. Your skin clears up, you look younger and your body loves you for it.
Thanks for your comment.
Stay well, Eileen.
I have done a water fast before. It was 14 day water fast. At first I was tired, then I felt funny. My breathe was also very smelly so I knew that I was detoxing in a big way. Towards the end I was feeling better, I ended up going back to my normal food diet when I should have gone back to raw food 🙂
Lisa Wood�´s last blog post ..Shopping Is Healthy
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for sharing your story. It is good for others to hear what you may experience as a result of water fasting. 14 days is certainly a fantastic effort and your body would have loved you for it. Yes, you are right in that it is better to move to wholefoods once you finish your fast.
Regards, Eileen.
What an interesting article about water faasting. I always thought water fasting meant for 1 day maximum, not a few weeks or more.
You mention drinking the correct amount of water for your body weight on a daily basis. I drink quite a lot of filtered water every day (more in summer) and I’d be very interested to know if I’m over-doing it, or if I’ve got the amount just about right. I guess exercising would increase the amount required.
Maybe a future post??
Jan LittlehalesÃ�´s last blog post ..Vegetarian Pizza – in Ten Minutes
Hi Jan,
Great comment and thrilled you have learned something here. 🙂 According to Don Tolman we should drink 1lt water per 22 kilo body weight. Yes you are right in that exercise and illness means you should increase your water intake. Fantastic that you drink filtered water.
Hope to hear you have tried a fast Jan. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Excellent post on water fasting Eileen.
I have only ever done 1 day water fasts, but do think about going longer. I have done a cabala juice cleanse for 21 days before, then went onto raw food. It felt amazing!
I think an important thing is the preparation before hand, as well as what to do after, to ease your body back onto food. I ate a bar of chocolate (raw chocolate mind ;)) a day or so after finishing, and the following day I felt so sick. I had only meant to eat a piece of two, but got carried away. My poor liver wasn’t ready for that one, after such a wonderful detox!
Water fasting certainly has the most amazing ability to heal the body.
Hilary�´s last blog post ..How To Keep A Healthy Shopping List
Hi Hilary,
I’ve also done a Cabala fast or 4 and want to do another one soon. My juicer is packed away in storage at the moment unfortunately so can’t wait to get it back in action.
Great to hear your story. I do like a little raw chocolate myself and I know some raw foodies are opposed to eating cacao but I think everything should be in moderation in the raw world.
Thanks for your contribution to my blog.
Stay well, Eileen.
I should say that, what an interesting write-up about h2o faasting. I always thought h2o fasting meant for 1 day optimum, not a few weeks or more. You point out consuming the correct amount of water for your body excess weight on a daily foundation. I consume quite a lot of filtered h2o each and every day (much more in summer time) and I’d be extremely intrigued to know if I’m more than-doing it, or if I’ve received the amount just about right. I guess exercising would improve the quantity needed.
Grace�´s last blog post ..How to Keep a Man Interested
Hi Grace,
Yes you do need more water in summer and with activity / exercise. Don’t forget to also use some good salt. Most salts are not good for you but there are certain types that can assist in balancing the water in the cells of the body. So….drink up! 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.
I agree, That water therapy has a big contribution in pursuing healthy way of dieting….In-spite drinking 6-8 glasses everyday is good in our healthy status…
Hi Carmela,
It is easy to forget that sometimes the reason we feel a bit low on energy can be related to the fact that we need to drink more water. So….bottoms up!
Stay well, Eileen.
I read that when you are fasting you shouldn’t do vigorous exercise. At the most, a leisurely ten minute walk would be plenty. Exercise brings on hunger. For the time you are fasting , you should relax and do minimal exercise. Make certain to drink water.
Stacy�´s last blog post ..Psoriasis Free For Life
These several month’s I decided to take exercise for health benefit’s, But I’m not drinking enough water.. Thank’s for sharing these with us, I learn how importance it take’s to our body.
Hi Jenny,
Yes, water is especially important when exercising so please do drink more. 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.
We never can get the fact that water is an healing which bring’s different in our body in term’s that it got a big function to our health status, You can still survive without eating food.. The important is there such a water.
marieljackson�´s last blog post ..Dating Tips for Men