Eileen has very kindly asked me to write a guest post about my physical and emotional healing journey in hope that it will help you too understand how to heal yourself.
Where it Started for Jessie
I have suffered from chronic asthma, allergies and food intolerances from a very young age as well as leaky gut symdrome for the past seven years.
Many a doctor and specialist said that my symptoms were in my head; particularly in relation to leaky gut syndrome and to take Zoloft for depression.
I had been highly medicated with steroids for asthma, antibiotics and various hormone control contraception methods, which I refused to take after a year of ill effects.
My belief was that I was not depressed and decided it was time to take things into my own hands and undertake my own healing journey.
Jessie Takes Things into her Own Hands
I began with countless hours of researching how to heal yourself by looking at different nutritional guidelines and ways to overcome asthma, allergies and leaky gut syndrome.
I tried every diet under the sun and various remedies such as Threelac, detoxing and herbal tinctures and also tried the very restrictive candida diet.
No matter what I did my symptoms didn’t dissipate and if anything they seemed to get worse. I started catching colds and dangerous viruses such as Adeno and Epstein-Barr.
My skin kept breaking out and I was angry, violent and hated everyone and everything in the world.
I eventually decided to change from my Law degree to study Naturopathy and Nutrition. The aim was to start with healing myself and go on to heal others.
Finding Healing Methods
From day one, one of my wonderful teachers Leonie raised the teachings of Louise Hay in each class.
I remembered how much bubbly, happy people irritated me because I hated myself so much; an after effect of bullying in high school. But I decided to embark on some emotional healing as what I was doing clearly wasn’t working.
Once I purchased Louise Hay’s book Empowering Women I devoured it in a single day. I then bought her book and dvd set You Can Heal Your Life as well as some affirmation card sets and meditation Cd’s.
I then began to say to myself over and over I love and approve of myself and I am a divine expression of life as well as many other affirmations.
Morning and night I meditated and began to get some sun every day and go for walks in the park with my family.
The Change Through Healing Myself
I instantly noticed an amazing difference. People from college were approaching me and striking up pleasant, interesting conversations. My skin and eyes started to brighten and clear up and I was holding myself differently.
I no longer ranted and raved at people when they cut me off or were driving too slowly. I began to get car parks, business opportunities opened up to me and I started meeting all sorts of wonderful people online and in the real world, Eileen being one of them.
Feeling Better with Life and Myself
With the combination of following nutritional guidelines practicing the teachings of Louise Hay, getting sun and exercise and loving myself, my world is truly changing and my health gets better each and every day.
Eileen has posted me up some beautiful water kefir grains- just one more thing on my path to healing, health and happiness! We can learn so much from each other, love and listen to those around you. You don’t have to take every single thing on, just that which works for you.
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