Salicylates – what are they?
If you are suffering from food intolerance symptoms, leaky gut syndrome or food problems then you best sit up and take notice. This post is sure to provide you with some home truths about food intolerance symptoms, your own state of health and the impact of salicylates.
For starters, just let me say that it is no easy feat trying to get the ‘i’ and the ‘y’ in the right order when spelling salicylates. To pronounce salicylates, you say “sal-iss-i-lates”. The word salicylic acid is derived from the word “salix” meaning Willow. Salicylic acid is a plant hormone that plays a major part, among other things, in the metabolism of plants.
Salicylates are naturally occurring chemicals in food. They are a part of the make up of fruit, vegetables, herbs, spices, seeds, bark and flowers. Salicylates are not added by a food manufacturer, they simply exist in nature in varying degrees.
Salicylates – reactions
According to Friendly Food written by experts at the RPA Allergy Unit in Sydney, the common food intolerance symptoms, or more directly, symptoms related to naturally occurring chemicals such as salicylates, MSG and amines are hives and swelling, chronic headaches, mouth ulcers, stomach pains, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), nausea, sinus problems and a general feeling of being unwell. Reactions to salicylates can be just as debilitating as an allergy even though they are not considered the same thing.
Depending on how sensitive you are to naturally occurring chemicals such as salicylates, mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) and amines, your reaction can vary. It can depend on your threshold, dose consumed of food high in salicylates and how regularly you have consumed these foods.
It might be comforting to know that as children get older their systems generally get better at handling naturally occurring chemicals such as salicylates and amines. As food intolerance symptoms are linked to an irritation of the nervous system, we generally tend to grow out of the food problems. For adults, it can be a gradual build up along with what food we have previously put in our body that can cause food intolerance symptoms.
Salicylates – what steps to take
If you would like to work out if you have salicylate intolerance symptoms then you will need to conduct a food elimination diet. This food challenge should be conducted over a two to three week time frame.
Food colors, food additives and preservatives are usually also a problem for those who are sensitive to naturally occurring chemicals in foods.
To reduce the impact of your symptoms you best look at what is in your pantry as well as products you are using personally and around the home. Here are some steps to take:
- Eat fruit that is moderate to low in salicylates most of the time.
- Remember that you can be dose affected so be aware of those foods that are high to very high in salicylates.
- Eat fruit when it is ripe as unripened fruit is higher in salicylates.
- Stop using herbs and change your oil to safflower or sunflower oil, until you have finished your food elimination diet.
- Flavors easily go undetected. Avoid flavors such as spearmint and peppermint.
- Look at your laundry detergents as these can be scented. Same with air fresheners and cleaning goods.
- Stop wearing perfume, aftershave or deodorant that has scents that may irritate you.
- Be aware that some medications such as Asprin contain salicylates.
- Peel fruit and vegetables as salicylates can be higher just under the skin.
- Make a list of alternative products before you go shopping to make it easier to avoid things with salicylates.
Friendly Food is one of the most comprehensive books covering food intolerance symptoms and naturally occurring chemicals such as salicylates, amines, MSG and allergies. It will assist you with a food elimination diet along with The Failsafe Cookbook.
I hope my article has added value to your understanding of salicylates. If so, please leave a comment below or share this article so others may also benefit.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2009 – 2012 ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
Salicylates? I could have sworn you found them hanging from caves. Thanks for the info Eileen. What fruits have high levels of Salicylates?
.-= David Moloney´s last blog ..What is a Brand Name? It’s Everything. =-.
Hi David,
Hah! Yes, and amines grow from the bottom of caves. 😉
Keep in mind that some foods have both amines and salicylates (some of these have been listed below). That is why a food elimination diet is important. The more tasty the food, the higher the natural food chemicals as a general rule.
The level of salicylates varies but those that are high to very high in salicylates are avocado, date, grapefruit, most citrus fruit, grapes, plums, prunes, raisins, sultanas, tomato, berries, guava, most stone fruit, figs and sugar banana. There are some foods that have not been tested for salicylates.
Thanks for asking and let me know if you think you have a food problem and I’ll help where I can. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Thanks Eileen.
.-= David Moloney´s last blog ..Successfully Choose a Great Business Name =-.
LOL… hanging from caves? Why did you think that David?
Maria�´s last blog post ..Udsalg Ver de Terre flyverdragt
I believe he was referring to “stalactite”, which is not something you’d ever ingest. Unless you were stranded in a cave, I suppose.
Yasmine�´s last blog post ..Grand Opening in Markham
Hi Eileen
My husband has really bad sinus problems. He’s constantly sneezing, blowing his nose and has nose blocks. It sort of comes and goes. When it’s really bad, he can’t sleep. I know it’s partly the environment, but I’m convinced it’s the food he’s eating.
What do you recommend we do about this?
.-= Lina Nguyen´s last blog ..Green businesses in South Africa =-.
Hi Lina,
Sulphites (preservative 220 to 223) are the probably cause although amines and MSG may also be a problem. Move to preservative free beer / wine and food as a start. (you can get both as I do….try mountain goat beer or Braur Hill wines). Many foods have sulphites so just look out for them. Muesli bars, breakfast cereals with dried fruit, dried fruit, etc.
Buy take away that has no MSG and always check food packs. Also avoid food with HVP (hydrolised vegetable protein – another form of MSG).
If you do not see an improvement after eliminating that particular preservative then you should get him to do a food challenge.
Let me know how you go with this first step and we can take it from there.
I hope that helps. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Thanks so much Eileen. He’ll be happy he can still drink beer 🙂
.-= Lina Nguyen´s last blog ..Hate to tell you, but… They think you’re a Spammer =-.
Hi Eileen,
We’re starting the failsafe diet after Easter (couldn’t face the thought of returning Easter eggs!). We tried once before but didn’t do the challenges properly and stopped as we had overseas guests staying with us so we know it makes a difference but not why!
This time we will go gluten free too so I’m really keen to hear if you have advice on either of these areas (challenges and gluten free).
Love your blog!
Lizzy 🙂
.-= Lizzy´s last blog ..People Who Discourage Us =-.
Hi Lizzy,
Nice to see you here again. 🙂 Yes, guests and events can get in the way of an elimination diet, I completely understand.
Can you tell me what you “think” the problem is? Tell me the symptoms and I can help from there. Gluten free is a whole other ball game but one I can walk you through.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Eileen,
We’re a complicated family! My older son has Asperger’s and Tourettes and his tics are getting worse and worse. My younger son is extremely oppositional, has leaky gut symptoms and psoriasis. My husband has recurrent mouth ulcers, gastric reflux, and abdo pains and I have major mood swings, candida, ear problems, mild IBS and lethargy.
I always tell people we’re a really healthy family but when I put it all down it looks terrible!! I also know that it looks like stress but really we’re a pretty happy bunch!
I think we are probably all sensitive to salicylates in some way or another and although I’m not convinced about gluten being a problem I think we may as well test it out as we are going to be on an elimination diet anyway. We are also switching to A2 milk for the duration but not going dairy free. From your experience would you recommend that we do? (That would be the hardest thing for me to cut out I think).
Thanks so much in advance,
Lizzy 🙂
.-= Lizzy´s last blog ..People Who Discourage Us =-.
Hi Lizzy,
Yes, happy as you may be…imagine how much MORE happier you would be if you solved these health issues. Believe me they ARE able to be solved.
In regards to Aspergers and Tourettes….No soda / soft drink AT ALL, and go to this link. At the top navigation go to Success Store and Wellness. Buy the abundance living food and get your son to eat it daily.There used to be different flavors but I think the American government put a lovely stop to branding on this product. That is what happens when something is good for you and goes against pharmacies making money. You also definitely need to look at Salicylates for this.
Leaky Gut – No – don’t go A2. Go body milk and yoghurt set in a tub. Email me your suburb and I’ll find a local outlet for your bath milk. A2 is still processed. Sure it is better for you but you need REAL milk. You will be told not to drink the body / bath milk and if I were selling it and telling you to drink it then I would be slapped with a hefty fine and shut down. Get onto Kefir…VERY important. Also, sauerkraut and change your bread to the ones I have listed on my blog. There is a link to both types there. Fermented products are great for leaky gut for the pro-biotics. Also, pure apple cider vinegar is good for leaky gut and also for most of the health issues you are having. It is a wonder product! Change to Nimbin cheese or a cheese that has non-animal rennet (another post in the making here). If the cheese says enzyme or animal rennet then avoid it. Buy a sharp cheese that has vegetable rennet if you cannot get Nimbin. There are other brands out there in the specialty cheese section.
Don’t put any cream on the psoriasis. Use PURE unrefined coconut oil and get him in the sunshine. Stop using sunscreen (both my son and I cannot wear sunscreen and I wil be doing a post on this in the future). Also, tepid baths with pure apple cider vinegar is great for the itching. Use extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil (raw) on veggies too.
Mouth ulcers could be linked to salicyates. He also needs more alkaline foods such as leafy greens (green smoothies!). You need to take horse tail tea for the candida. 2 strong cups a day. Your husband would also benefit from this. Ask at a health food store for this as you cannot get it every where. Also, cut down on wheat products. For you and your husband, eat more RAW!! Salads, sprouts, wheatgrass. Make green smoothies. Reduce processed food. If you can remove red meat from your diet then please do as this irritates the bowel.
Yes, I would conduct an elimination diet to work out the exact problems. There is a food diary in my elimination diet post that you can download and use. Make sure you have your books on hand and are well prepared as this will make it easier.
Remove all additives and preservatives.
We did go dairy free because it took me a lot more research before I found someone who knew what they were talking about so with this info you should be able to keep dairy in. Better raw dairy than cooked too!
I hope that helps and get back to me with your suburb when you have a chance.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
Thought I’d jump in and add my 2 cents worth. BTW, Lizzy says thanks for all the info, I’m sure she’ll reply in due course.
I’m less clued up on the failsafe diet but Lizzy keeps telling me it’s going to be a good thing for all of us, so I’m keen to give it a go. My main issue in the last year has been reflux and although I’ve been prescribed Nexium for it, I don’t like taking it unless I really feel I need to. I’ve read a lot about apple cider vinegar and I’ve tried the organic stuff (with the mother) with honey and water and I have felt a difference.
On the beer front, I only drink preservative free beer now and luckily there’s plenty of choice out there nowadays, but my reasons for doing so are more to do with the lack of hangover after a heavy night 🙂
Anyway, thanks for all the info., sounds like you really know your stuff and a have a passion for it, which when you think about it we all should have, especially when it comes to our wellbeing.
BTW; has the Nimbin cheese got any ‘extra’ ingredients in it?;)
.-= Colin´s last blog ..People Who Discourage Us =-.
Hi Colin,
Thanks for commenting. I too was on Nexium….the heaviest dose you can get and I didn’t eat for a week. I was very sick. Nexium is VERY bad for you. Yes, apple cider vinegar is great and honey. You should do it daily. You also need the horse tail tea and it doesn’t taste that bad – really.
It is important that you try to eat a diet high in raw food. Buy one of the raw food books from my site. It is worth it and you can pick them up cheap second hand. Even if you keep eating what you are, add in more raw food and eventually convert. I don’t believe in completely raw but a high % is good. Increase your alkaline foods. Include sprouts as these will be great for you. Change from processed sugar to agave syrup or pure maple or raw honey. If you have coffee…use organic, water filtered and a raw sugar (demerara is one)
The whole family will benefit from doing the elimination diet but the aim longer term is to not just cut out foods but HEAL your body so you can eat what you want (healthy, that is 🙂 )
I also recommend you remove red meat from your diet and YOU especially need to get onto the fermented foods. Don’t eat processed dairy!! Ferments will help your stomach tremendously. It may all feel hard but small steps are the key and once you are clued in, it just gets easier.
Nimbin doesn’t have any extra ingredients in it.
Yes, completely agree about the hang over. People don’t realize it is the sulphites that cause the problems.
So nice to hear from you and keep me in the loop! I’m interested in getting people well!!
Regards, Eileen.
Hi, Eileen
Just dropped by to say Hi, and instead I am compelled to say WOW! I am so very impressed. You go girl!
There is so much just in the discussion alone, I had to take another look at the post and refresh. What a wealth of knowledge.
Re the horsetail comment; I have to say it does have a distinct individuality, but it is not reprehensible.
I am making a mental note to return far more often.
.-= Jo Carey-Bradshaw´s last blog ..Empowering Mindset – Mindfulness =-.
Hi Jo,
Thank you for your kind words and glad to see that you are aware of horsetail tea. It is nice for other people to hear what it tastes like. I actually find it quite pleasant.
Hope we can continue to keep you entertained. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
G’day Eileen,
One of the best diet changes I’ve ever made, apart from being teetotal since 1970, was to eliminate all dairy foods for the last 10 years [ approx ]
I use mainly rice milk [ the one with sunflower oil and NEVER canola oil ] and occasionally oat milk.
Prior to that change I was a cantidate for the World Championship of sinus and cattarh. What a change ! If I have some cheese , instantly there is congestion and lots of throat clearing.
Humans are the only species which continue to drink milk after weaning !
.-= Harry Lynn´s last blog ..How Proud Can One Be ? =-.
Hi Harry,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, dairy can have that impact on you if it is processed. Almond milk is also a good substitute for processed milk but I have to say that we have been using raw milk now for about 1 year without any health problems and I used to have sinus problems. Usually, but not always, sulphites are a main problem for many people but you do have a point.
I do beg to differ on the comment about human’s being the only species that drink milk after weaning. Have you ever seen what a dog does when you put pure cow’s milk in front of it? I have also heard stories from Don Tolman himself about his experience with RAW milk and healing. Vegans do differ on my opinion and we are all entitled to our own opinions and I thank you for yours. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Don Tolman is brilliant, his knowledge and insight into foods and their origins is just outstanding. I thoroughly would recommend anyone to watch him on youtube and if you get a chance to see him do so. Raw milk……white grass.
Hi Pru,
Totally agree. He is amazing and I follow his philosophy on health. He has a wealth of knowledge and you can see it in his eyes. I will be using some of his youtube work in future posts. Thanks for your input and glad to see another avid follower of Don’s. Thanks for stopping by to read my work.
Regards, Eileen.
G’day Eileen,
Thanks for that and good luck with the Fistful of Dollars
.-= Harry Lynn´s last blog ..How Proud Can One Be ? =-.
Hi Eileen
WOW!!!! so much information here I am lucky I have very few health problems but I read your post with interest and the discussion through the comments its amazing how food can affect people I thought all the chemicals being used on foods was the thing that was causing all the health problems
Hi Rita,
So nice to have you stop by. Yes, many people are unaware of what is causing their health issues and they would think that eating fruit and veggies is fine but if you are suffering from food intolerance symptoms then fruit and vegetables, etc. can be a problem. Food colors and additives (including preservatives) can exacerbate the problem though.
Glad you are healthy!! I’m healthy now too but I’ve taken health to a whole other level with green smoothies and a diet higher in raw food.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
I am a sucker for mouth ulcers. Every time I get a little stressed – bang!
Thanks for the level of detail provided here. To be honest I never knew that it could be caused my a reaction to foods.
.-= Cemil´s last blog ..Choosing a Blogging Platform =-.
Hi Cemil,
I recommend you get some good quality hand harvested, pure celtic sea salt. It is grey in colour or you can get some pure Himalayan rock salt to suck on. If you don’t want to suck on the rock salt then make up a salt drink and gargle it a few times a day. Also, pure apple cider vinegar with water would be good (1 teaspoon in a glass of water). Make sure you drink plenty of water.
Thanks for visiting. Regards, Eileen.
Hi, Just wondering about the amine/leaky gut connection. I took some apple cider vinegar to kick start my elimination diet but ended up with nasty headache, sinus, body ache and fatigue. This was quite disappointing as I know ACV is meant to be a great thing. But what about its amine content – does anyone know of ACV’s amine content or has anyone else reacted as i have?
Hi Sonia,
Sorry to hear you have been unwell during your elimination diet. Those with leaky gut syndrome will be impacted by Amines until the leaky gut is healed. For information no how to heal leaky gut please see my post here titled Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Raw apples do not contain Amines and pure apple cider vinegar helps with the alkalinity of the body. I am not 100% sure if pure apple cider vinegar contains amines being a ferment but I would hazard a close guess that there are no amines in Apple Cider Vinegar. Sometimes when the body is healing your symptoms can get worse before they get better as it rids itself of the problems it has.
I recommend that you drink loads of water (preferably purified if possible) and get onto other ferments as discussed in my post above.
Would love to hear how you get on.
The other option would be to do a water fast. I am yet to write a post on this but I have others also interested in this information. You can learn more about fasting in the FDR wholefood books I talk about in many of my posts. These books are keepsakes and loaded with information on wholefood healing.
Thanks for your comment.
Regards, Eileen.
I think my 17 year old son has salicylate sensitivity. There are many fruits and vegetables he can’t eat raw but are ok cooked, and only a few he reacts to no matter what (soy, strawberries). If he eats something like raw carrot or apple or banana, his lips swell up and he complains that his throat feels scratchy. But he can eat applesauce or carrots in stews.
I am learning to cook the Weston A Price way and am I am considering the GAPS diet for myself. So I am learning to lacto-ferment vegetables, not only sauerkraut, but carrots, salsa, ketchup, etc.
1) Does fermentation increase or decrease salicylates? I can’t find any answers on this.
2) Do you know if the GAPS diet will help salicylate sensitivity?
Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you for your questions.
My understanding is that the salicylate content does not diminish with cooking/fermentation. You will find that salicylates are not as concentrated as the food ages. E.G. An unripe apple is higher in salicylates as they provide a protection as the fruit grows as opposed to an apple that is ready to eat. I recommend doing a food elimination diet and you can read my post on it by clicking here
Without knowing your son’s full history, it sounds more like your son has a food allergy problem and going through a water fast can really help this. I am yet to write a post on water fasting but if you really want some great information on water fasting then I recommend these heirloom books at this link. When you follow this link you will then need to click on the tab in the top menu called “success store” then “Don Tolman Products” and the Farmacist Desk Reference will be there. I personally own a copy of these books and highly recommend them.
Also, you need to watch carefully what else is consumed at the same time as those foods he has a problem with. If you have not already, remove all additives and preservatives from his diet. Remember too that food reactions can be delayed.
With regards to the GAPS diet, there is some truth to a dairy intolerance for those who suffer from leaky Gut Syndrome. Read more about Leaky Gut Syndrome in my other post at this link or food intolerance symptoms. My recommendation is to stick to raw milk products or products that are less processed. Raw products made with kefir and also fermented products will help. I removed meat from my son’s diet and that seemed to also help. Sometimes the body does not react well to eggs due to the change in protein when it is cooked and how the body breaks it down so be careful with eggs.
I am not a big fan of following a particular diet and believe that if you can find out through an elimination diet where the food problems are then you can then use food to heal. My philosophy is that you can find a solution through food so that you are not on a restricted diet for the longer term.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Thanks, Eileen.
I suffer tremendously from salicylate sensitivity and so I thought your readers would benefit from the information on some of the following websites since there are links to various lists of salicylic-free products and foods:
Having had no luck with my own physicians, I conducted my own elimination diet using information given on these websites and others and found I was symptom-free in about 2 weeks (after years and years of unknowingly suffering from salicylate sensitivity). Once I discovered all this information on my own, I then asked my dermatologist in June of 2010 what she knew about hives, rashes, and acne caused by salicylates and she replied that she was never even taught about that in medical school, so she never considers salicylates when treating rashes, hives and/or acne! So, please don’t expect too many physicians to help you in regard to salicylate sensitivity; it’s better to forge ahead divising your own elimination diet.
On a related topic, I also have horrible reactions to cow’s milk which has had the butterfat removed — we call this either 1% milk and/or 2% milk in the USA. I learned from my reading various articles on the internet that the enzymes required to metabolize the milk proteins are removed when the butterfat is skimmed off. So, without those essential enzymes, the body treats the proteins in the milk as foreign substances and then attempts various ways to quickly expell those proteins rather than digest them, vis-a-vis the skin, causing pimples, rashes, hives, et al and/or by flushing the intestines via diarrhea.
In closing my lengthy comments, I hope the Reyes Foundation Wesite lists and the other websites noted above help some of the readers on their way to becomming salicylate-free.
Best regards, John / USA
Hi John,
Thank you for sharing your story. It is always nice to have others contribute and share their own food problems and food intolerance symptoms. I hope you have been able to use food further to heal your body rather than stay on a restricted diet so that you can enjoy living foods in the way they were intended.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi to all,
I’m very excited as I think I am finally onto something!
Everytime I eat an apple I feel nauseated afterwards for a while but as I have a mixture of food intolerances I didn’t pinpoint salicylates as a probable cause until this evening when I searched on the internet!
I went to my GP last week and was describing my symptoms and was told that scientifically they didn’t make sense! Apart from that she was great and referred me to another dietician to see what we can come up with. I have gained 19kg in 6 years and as I am in my late 40s this has been attributed to age etc.
I have joint pain, swelling of ankles and knees, abdominal bloating, wheat, gluten and white rice intolerance and when overloaded with these things – asthma, headache, depression and fatigue.
Over the years I am unable to tolerate aspirin (rash), most cosmetics and sunscreens, and asthmatic symptoms with strong scents such as cleaning products, paint fumes and perfumes, incense etc.
I had a stomach ulcer about 3 years ago and was told I was wheat and dairy intolerant so have tried to eliminate these foods at different times without significant benefit to symptoms although I must say that I do feel much better without them – unfortunately I love bread.
When I try to be ‘good’ I often end up in tears as there is nothing to eat at lunchtime and I am becoming more and more desperate with my increasing and unresolved symptoms.
Hopefully salicylates are the answer and I am looking forward to trying the elimination diet as I know there is definitely something wrong but nothing obvious.
I will keep you informed.
Hi Jodie,
Thanks for sharing your story. I feel for you as I know how hard it can be knowing what to eat and then having very few things that you actually CAN eat.
You would definitely benefit from doing a food elimination diet and I also think the FDR would help you for when you have identified your level of reaction from your food intolerance symptoms. Salicylates are used in some of our daily products including Asprin and some other medications. You may be highly sensitive to salicylates but then also be impacted by amines to a lesser extent. More people have a salicylate problem than an amine problem. You will only find out through the food elimination diet.
I used to have a problem with all sunscreens and I no longer use any or wear any. I just cover up which is the best thing for your body.
Friendly Food is a book that will greatly help you in the process. Don’t give up hope. You can heal your body so you do not have to live with ill health.
Please keep us informed as I would love to hear your journey and it would also assist others.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi eileen,
I have a problem thats been bothering me for the last four months. It all started when i took an overdose o ibruprofen 80 tablets. after been watered out i noticed that my lips swelled up and stayed swelled for since. about a month ago now i took a 8 predisone sleelets, to take it down. later on i took a couple of anti depressants sleeping tablets to help me sleep and a few vitamins..that night i noticed my face swell up to.
Im very worried as to what it might be. I think its salicylates. but cant be too sure. I smoked heavily but have given up a week ago.
I dont know i this matters but i use to get acid reflux after too many apples, or i would just vomit, especially after eatting tomatoes. I also got hive like things around my eyes when i placed cucumber on them.
Just abit worried. im always tired and itchy, and have eye twitches sometimes and stomach pains.
can you help?
Hi Hanna,
Sorry this has taken so long for me to reply. I had a computer virus (probably should have put it on a food diet 🙂 ). It sounds like your stomach lining is in need of repair. In fact, probably your whole intestinal tract too. ibuprofen has salicylates in it as do many medications and apples too. Some apples are higher than others in salicylates. Granny Smith is one that has high salicylates whereas red delicious are lower.
I don’t know how old you are or your complete situation but if you are able, do a water fast. If you cannot go more than one day without food, start with one day a week on just water. If this is your chosen approach, and again, I do not know your full set of circumstances, then I recommend you get on to fermented products. Buy some aged cheese that has vegetable rennet (not enzyme or animal rennet), get some pure apple cider vinegar and have a tsp a day if you are able and look at getting the book Friendly Food (click on that link or through this supplier – Friendly Food: The Essential Guide to Avoiding Allergies, Additives and Problem Chemicals)
Also, get some horsetail tea here
You may need to do an elimination diet and I recommend you read my article on this at my blog here.
I hope that helps and hope to hear back from you with your progress.
Take good care, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
Thanks alot for sharing, i always enjoy reading your blogs. Good luck!
Thanks for leaving feedback and I’m glad you enjoy my work. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Don Tolman is brilliant, his knowledge and insight into foods and their origins is just outstanding. I thoroughly would recommend anyone to watch him on youtube and if you get a chance to see him do so. Raw milk……white grass.
Thanks for your comment. Don Tolman is an ocean of knowledge and even though I did a boot camp with him, I walked away feeling like I only touched the shallow end of his breadth of knowledge. He changes lives and takes us back to the tree of life, and for that he is to be commended.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
Thanks for the info, This could help lot of people that has a leaky gut or food problems.
Hi Karen,
I took a look at your site and information and think it is great that you too are looking to assist people to get well. I also believe that removing meat from your diet assists in the healing process. Thanks for your comment.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
It has been interesting to not only read your article, but also the conversations you’re having with your readers.. thanks for everything
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your kind words. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with in your own personal circumstances.
Take care, Eileen. 🙂
I’ve had sinus issues for a while, but I never thought there was a link to the food I was eating. I just chalked it up to my environment, or genes, or something. I’m glad I came across this article — I am going to take a close look at the food I’m eating.
Hi Ava,
Thanks for your comment. There would be a high chance that what you eat is linked to either food or environmental sensitivities. Try removing sulphites from your diet to start and if you really want to work out what the problem is then try the food elimination diet. Also look at your cleaning products and fragrances, etc. I hope that helps.
Regards, Eileen.
“Look at your laundry detergents as these can be scented. Same with air fresheners and cleaning goods.”
This is great advice. I shudder when I see commercials for Glade plug-ins, where a family is smiling while breathing in the (visible) waft of poison. If only everyone knew that there are natural products that are equally effective!
Hi Ben,
Thanks for supporting my beliefs. I find myself getting headaches if I am in a room that has too much “going on” with perfumes. The only way we can make change is to stop buying products that are bad for our health. If only marketing told the truth about products we would all be so much wiser and happier. I appreciate your comment.
Take care, Eileen.
When my friend’s daughter began eating food, she began to show signs of allergies, so my friend decided to only give her daughter one kind of food at a time to see which ones affected her. In the end, she determined that all sorts of foods were to blame.
I wonder if it would have been advantageous to determine what was in the food, rather than the type of food itself.
Hi Zane,
Yes, when suffering from food intolerance symptoms, it is a good idea to do a food elimination diet based on such things as salicylates and amines. The first best step though is to remove additives and preservatives as even this step can make a difference.
Children would be much happier and calmer if we only altered their diet and gave them better options.
Thanks for stopping by.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
Great article. Can you tell me which fruits are “moderate to low” in salicylates?
Christine Arkin�´s last blog post ..Ten years!
Hi Christine,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. The best place to help you with this, as you will also need to look at vegetables and other types of foods for the same reason, is Friendly Food. Click on that link to see my review of the book. It is a fantastic resource. Maybe I can assist further if you are happy to share your situation?
Thanks, Eileen.
Salicylates occurs in the fruits naturally
Hi there,
Yes they do occur naturally, you are correct; as do amines. Those who suffer from food intolerance symptoms should have a good look at both salicylates and amines in food.
Thanks for your comment.
Hi Eileen.
Just came upon your site researching salicylates.
I have suffered from tinnitus for years now and am trying to counter-arrest doctors opinions that it can’t be treated or cured.
Do you have an opinion about salicylates and tinnitus?
I have read that they can be one of the causes of this constant ringing in my head (they say ears but my sensation is that it is in the center of my head. No ears there!) There is also a little concert of crickets so I always feel I am walking in the countryside on a hot summer afternoon.
Thanks for your site and time.
Hi Richard,
Glad to hear you are looking outside of doctors for a solution as you are more likely to find one, in my personal opinion. My understanding is that tinnitus or Meniere’s disease as it is sometimes called is a side affect of being exposed to salicylates as one of the possible causes.
It must be disturbing for you to have tinnitus happening to the extent that you have described. According to Don Tolman’s FDR You should find a safe method of ear candling, do fasting and after fasting, move to a mostly raw food diet including juices. It will take time so do not expect results to happen quickly but if you can apply these things then you should see an improvement. I have provided links in this reply for you to get started. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Interested to hear back from you Richard in due course.
Take care, Eileen.
Hi Eileen.
Thanks so much for your reply to my post. It led me to investigate a little about Don Tolman.
I was amazed to find him say:
“Finally, 21 days on water as a fast cures even the worst cases of tinnitus. The ears will suddenly pop loudly and the sounds end.”
I am 72 and, frankly, 3 weeks on just water could probably cure my tinnitus by putting me in a casket!!
Do you have any opinion about such a drastic diet at my age?
Can’t find any pertinent info on the internet.
PS. Really like your blog. More than interesting.
Hi Richard,
Don Tolman is right but yes, I can appreciate a water fast for that long is hard for those of us that are not used to water fasting. The first time I ever did a one day water fast I was very sick and at the time, even though I was not as healthy as now, I was not that unhealthy; well at least I thought. So, let’s avoid the casket eh? 🙂
I recommend changing what you eat and introducing fresh juice. Don’t cook your veggies but eat them raw if possible. Remove all additives and preservatives where you can and drink more water. If you can make slow adjustments and then get your body used to the change then doing even a Cabala juice fast (FDR has this in it) will not feel so hard. When you have altered your food (I’m vegetarian and believe removing meat can also have a positive impact on your health) for a good month then do a one day Cabala juice fast. Try to do one of these a week until your body is ready for more. You may find this gradual change is enough to start to see an improvement. Fasting can feel hard and you really need good support around you to do it.
Thank you for the feedback on my blog. We all have a personal journey to take in life and blogging is my passion. I am sure you could impart some valuable knowledge on me too and would be happy to hear it! 🙂
Look forward to hearing how you are getting on. Feel free to comment again should you need further assistance.
Regards, Eileen.
A friend of mine can’t take normal aspirin because she claims she is allergic to salicylates. I’ll just have to tell her that she is wrong and that you can’t be allergic to it just over sensitive, right? I did not know that fruits contain salicylates. I’ll tell her to read the article, think she’ll find it very helpfull. Thank you!
Hi Anna,
Asprin does contain salicylates. She may be allergic or she may just have an intolerance; it would depend on the reaction in my opinion. If salicylates are a problem then yes, you are best to tell your friend to look at other foods. She should also look at her entire diet and how she can heal her body so that salicylates are no longer a problem. I hope my article helps her and thank you for referring my work – that is part of what I aim to do when I write.
Thanks and stay well,
Hello Eileen,
Thanks for this Awsome blog, i really like the great work you put in every article on this site. Thanks.
Daniel Pedersen
Daniel PedersenÃ�´s last blog post ..Molo undertøj udsalg
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you like my blog.
Take care, Eileen.
Hello Eileen,
I never realised there was something called salicylates, I have been lucky myself in never knowingly having a food allergy but there seem to have been more and more people suffering from allergies and I had tended to put it down to more chemicals and additives but its clearly far more complicated than that. Its a very good thorough post and the links you provided will be very helpful to anyone suffering from an allergy. I shall certainly refer anyone I know that does suffer to have a look at your site.
I’ll also be interested to read the post about Mono-sodium Glutamate.
Dave�´s last blog post ..Why It Is Important To Know Skin Care Brands
Hi Dave,
Thanks for stopping by and glad you found my blog informative. Thanks for the nudge along with the MSG article too. 🙂 Now might be a good time for me to give it some attention. I also have a lot of interest around water fasting so that is an article in the making right now as I promised it ages ago. 🙂
You are right in that chemicals and additives can contribute to food intolerance symptoms and I am glad you do not suffer from allergies.
The beauty about going through food problems is that my knowledge expanded and I love it that what I have learned now helps others. I would be humbled if you would refer anyone to my blog for “the news on food”. 🙂
Thanks again for your comment and stay well.
Regards, Eileen.
Good post perfect peyzaj
Thanks for the feedback Peyzay
Stay well, Eileen.
Hi Ellen,
I am wondering if this could be the cause of my headaches?
Jan�´s last blog post ..Average Salary Of Respiratory Therapist
Hi Jan,
Yes, salicylates may be causing your headaches. There are two things you need to do. Firstly, drink lots of water. Have a read of my article on Water Fasting. Also, to work out exactly what foods are causing the problem you would be best to do a food elimination diet. Also make sure you avoid additives and preservatives and especially sulphites.
Let me know how you get on and if you need any further assistance.
Thanks for your question. 🙂
The food elimination diet worked for me
Fuquay Varina NCÃ�´s last blog post ..Jason’s Pizza
Glad to hear that doing an elimination diet has helped you with your health. 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.
i was wondering if you know of anywhere i can get help being a [high] raw vegan who has major problems with salicylates [& actually possibly amines in higher doses].
i am a freeschooling mother of 3 children & salicylates seem to have major impact on my mental & emotional health [i do have a hypersensitive physiological system -assuming due to long term ptsd] i believe there has to be a way to be able to eat natural foods without this problem.. not just for my health but for my sons – particularly for 1 of them who appears to have severity of sensitivity like myself..
i just want some help.. i am so really down about this, i cant get out of the fog, because it just seems so overwhelming.
i have googled for months, trying to find nutritionists / naturopaths [both online & local] who are vegan or raw friendly to help me, but i cant find any..
thanX for listening.. just had an urge to respond, maybe someone reading has some suggestions..
Hi Meagain,
So sorry to hear you are going through this. Your body has a threshold with salicylates and amines and if you consumed lots of low amine foods in one day it would still push you up toward your threshold. For you, if you are able and have the support, I recommend water fasting. Then, reintroduce foods that you think you have an issue with slowly. While Friendly Food is not a raw vegan book, it does list veggies and fruits and their level of naturally occurring chemicals and that can be helpful I have found.
It is not uncommon for salicylate and amine sensitivities to run in the family and I found the same. You may need to do an elimination diet. I wrote an article on that here.
Yes, I fully appreciate that it can get you down. It is emotionally draining and stressful. Your food issues can be causing the fog too. It is hard to find help even with a conventional diet where food is a problem let alone a raw vegan diet where it can be considered “out there”. I think it is fantastic that you eat so well.
You might also like to look at any household products you are using too to make sure you are fragrance and chemical free. These can cause issues for some people too.
Let me know if I can assist further but I really think that 1. you should water fast and 2. you should have your son do a food elimination diet. That’s a good place to start. Drink plenty of water too.
Hope to assist you further.
Hi Eileen,
Just stumbled on your post while googling salicylate intolerance. We’ve just put the puzzle together and found out why our 9 year old daughter has spent most of her life defiant, irritable and argumentative. Food intolerance! I wanted to recommend the work of Sue Dengate as it has been invaluable over the last month
If even one person reads this and gets the benefit we have from it, then I’ve succeeded.
Great, informative post – thanks lots.
Hi Tina,
It is a huge relief when you work out that there is a little angel under the behavior you see as a result of food intolerance symptoms. I found the same with my son and I am so glad now that I don’t have to restrict his diet. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Regards, Eileen.
Is there away one can counter the effects of salicylates without the use of anti-histamine or some anti-allergens? I find myself becoming fat when I take in those drugs.
Theresa Zamora�´s last blog post ..Cannot get outdoor grill over 200 degrees?
Hi Theresa,
You are probably best to do a food elimination diet to find out which particular foods in the salicylate range are causing you problems. I don’t believe that drugs are the answer. I have also listed a number of resources on my blog that can help you work out what your food problems are and then move forward to a healthy diet where you don’t have to worry about food intolerances. 🙂
Thanks for your question. Stay well, Eileen.
Hi Eileen
Informative reading but where could i find your “food elimination diet” and also details on the “water fasting diet” please. Cheers Robbie
Hi Robbie,
Glad you found my article useful. My other articles are here or or you can look at the tag cloud on the right hand side of my site to find further articles. Otherwise, you can post what it is you need assistance with or email me if it is too personal and I’ll help where I can.
I’ve listed a number of resources with each article that should help. If not…I’m here 😉
Regards, Eileen.
A proper diet chart is a must now a days in hectic schedule which keep all of us 2 stay fit and healthy
Hi there!
Yes a chart is important if you want to change the way you eat. It is easy to forget what we have consumed on a day to day basis. We can all aim to be fitter and healthier. 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.