Raw Food Ebook Information
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The type of raw food e-book you decide to purchase may depend on where you are on your journey with raw foods.
Shifting from a conventional style of diet to a raw food diet might seem daunting. It’s more than likely you may have some preconceived ideas about what it means to be on a raw food diet.
So a great way to get started is to make sure you have all the information on hand.
This may mean doing a little self-educating first. You can learn about the nutrients in foods, get some raw food recipe books and understand food combining.
A raw food ebook is a great way to start learning about raw food or adding to your current collection of recipes.
If you are ready to start your journey with raw food or you want to expand your recipes then here’s a whole list of Raw Food Resources.
Why Choose a Raw Food Diet?
There can be many reasons why people choose to find out about raw foods and most certainly, a raw food ebook is a popular way to start.
You may be looking to change to raw food for weight loss, for more energy, to cure an ailment, for cleansing, juicing, better health or researching for a sick friend.
I shifted to a raw food diet due to food intolerance symptoms.
In my opinion, any reason is a good reason to incorporate more raw food in your diet.
What Is It Like on a Raw Food Diet?
If you are still sitting on the fence as to whether to get a raw food recipe book or raw health guide, then you can Click Here to learn some great tips from someone who has loads of information to share with you.
Being on a raw food diet does not necessarily mean just boring salad. In fact it is far from it when you begin to educate yourself about food, what to eat and how to transition and maintain a high raw food lifestyle.
You will be amazed at the wonderful transformation of your health by taking positive steps toward a raw food diet.
How To Get Started
Some of the best resources around can be found in the form of an ebook. I recommend you choose a program you like so that you don’t procrastinate.
Once you make your raw food ebook purchase, you can then decide if you proceed slowly or jump straight in. Either way…..just do it and your body will love you for it.
I know this from my own personal experience and just so you know; I did start slowly on the raw food journey and with a healthy smoothie for breakfast.
I’d love to hear about your journey so please leave a comment at the bottom of this article.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © Copyright 2011 thenewsonfood.com ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
Eating raw food is definitely becoming more popular as people become aware of the nutritional value of raw food over processed and cooked food. The raw food ebook is great value.
Jackie Stenhouse�´s last blog post ..Zombie Cupcakes
Hi Jackie,
Thanks for your support and I am pleased to hear you support a raw food diet. I hope to convert more of the population to raw food through my work.
Stay well!
Regards, Eileen.
Raw fresh foods are becoming much more popular. It is much better for general health and longevity. Thanks for the information about the Raw Food EBook. I’ll check it out!!
Bev Langford�´s last blog post ..How To Stop Neighbors Dog Barking
Hi Bev,
I think that organic produce has helped make more people aware of raw food but I only really came across raw food through my own research online and not because I had someone point me in the right direction. Raw food really does make a huge difference and I am sitting here drinking a raw green smoothie for breakfast as I type….well…I’m not actually typing AND drinking…that would take SUPER multitasking and I’m not THAT good…..yet….:-)
Stay well, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
I try and eat a certain amount of raw food every day, Fruit during the day and a salad of some sort for lunch. It’s harder in the colder months, because I usually fancy something hot – like home made soup 🙂
I agree there are health benefits to eating raw food – I’m just not sure I would enjoy it if that’s all I ate …and there’s the boys to think about too. I can hear it now “No more egg and bacon sandwiches at the weekend!”. What can you do! 🙂
Jan LittlehalesÃ�´s last blog post ..Stewed Rhubarb – in Ten Minutes
Hi Jan,
You raise some very good points here. I had to make a few changes so that my 3 young ones would eat more raw food. I found that by removing processed sugar from their diet and slowly introducing other raw foods and super foods, they did take to them. Let me just tell you too that the picture of slice on my blog for the raw food ebook article IS a raw food dish. Raw food is not boring and it is usually better to transition with kids with rich raw foods. There is a great book that I have read that was written by kids who went raw. If you are interested you can check it out here.
Great comment and one that many people would make I am sure.
Stay well, Eileen.
I really like the idea of raw food and was surprised to learn that food can be heated to a certain degree and that using a food dehydrator might be a good purchase.
Jenny Locke�´s last blog post ..Woodworking
Hi Jenny,
Yes, it is better to use a dehydrator and even then you need to use the living foods temperature setting. High heat is bad for food and then bad for our bodies once we consume that food. Hope you do decide to purchase one. I talk about dehydrated food in my article here.
Hope I can make a difference. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Raw food is getting more and more popular these days. I believe raw food brings more benefit towards your health side as the nutrient value is much lower after the food has been cooked. Being a huge fan of raw Japanese food myself, I completely agree with you. Thank you Eileen!
Wilson�´s last blog post ..Suntech Solar Panels Review
Hi Wilson,
Yes, you are right that the nutritional value of food decreases as you heat it. In fact, if you eat more than 51% of cooked food in your diet, your body starts to produce more white blood cells to fight it as it treats it as a danger to the body. I only learned this recently while reading a raw food book.
Stay well, Eileen.
Great to see you promoting the wonderful benefits of eating raw food Eileen :). What a lot of people don’t realise is that it is not just about the humble lettuce leaf, you can make some amazing dishes, that look great, and are usually much easier and quicker to make than their cooked counterpart.
I love getting my children involved in making raw foods. They made some yummy cookies the other day – all the ingredients went in the processor, and then into a dehydrator – easy!
This raw food ebook would be a great investment for anyone interested in finding out more.
Hilary�´s last blog post ..How To Keep A Healthy Shopping List
Hi Hilary,
So lovely to have you stop by and comment. A pleasure as always and yes, getting children involved in the process helps. 🙂
Stay well and hope to see you back here again soon.
I do agree that eating raw meals is certainly turning into more well-liked as individuals become aware of the nutritional worth of raw meals more than processed and cooked food. The uncooked food ebook is excellent value.
Grace�´s last blog post ..How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs
Hi Grace,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Raw tastes so much better than cooked. 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.
We are starting to use more and more Raw Food ingredients!! The other day we had a raw chocolate slice – with nuts and organic cocoa. It was so yummy. Good to know that eating healthy can also taste great, look good, and doesnt need to be cooked!
Lisa Wood�´s last blog post ..Halloween Safety Tips For Children
Hi Lisa,
Well done on the raw chocolate slice. I’m going to be making some raw truffles soon for the kids and my dehydrator is currently drying some banana. I’m doing some mangoes, pears and apples next because they simply don’t last in my house. 🙂 Gotta be pleased with that!
Thanks for your support.
Stay well, Eileen.
I’m not familiar with any raw foods diet, but you could head on over to amazon and check and see which raw foods cookbook has the highest rating. I hope that answers your question.
jaegar�´s last blog post ..Realistic pencil portrait mastery
Hi Jaegar,
I hope you will choose to have a further look at increasing raw foods in your diet. The benefits are huge. :-)\
Thanks for your comment and stay well,
I believe raw food brings more benefit towards your health side as the nutrient value is much lower after the food has been cooked. Being a huge fan of raw Japanese food myself, I completely agree with you.
cherry�´s last blog post ..Wheelchair accessible vehicle, Wavs
Hi Cherry,
Indeed, if foods are cooked above a certain temperature then you do lose the nutritional content. If you use a dehydrator then you should always use the living foods setting. The more cooked food you put in your body, the more your body is likely to react to it like a disease.
Thanks for your comment. Eileen.
I heard about Raw food diet and the health benefits that you will get from it.. But I don’t know maybe it’s just I can’t imagine eating Raw fish and meat.
olivia34newton�´s last blog post ..1300 numbers in Australia
Hi Olivia,
You wouldn’t eat meat on a raw food diet. Most wholefood healers do not believe in putting any meat in your body as it is considered detrimental to the bowel and all the health issues that flow from that. I recommend you start by trying green smoothies and then take it from there.
Thanks for your comment and stay well, Eileen.
Raw food diet is great for our health.. I am doing this diet once in while for 3 days…
heidimoorez�´s last blog post ..1300 number
Hi Heidi,
Hopefully you will extend the diet further. Great start though. 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.