Our Personal Food problems
I was raised in a family that pretty much ate meat and three veggies for most meals and I never suffered any food problems or food intolerance symptoms as a child.
I don’t recall any conversations or education from my parents on the benefits of foods for their nutritional value. I don’t blame my parents for this, as they probably didn’t know much about food themselves aside from the basics they would have been taught.
We were often told that fruit and vegetables are good for you and that meat contains a high iron content so should be consumed but that was about the extent of it.
Mum was big on lamb’s fry because her doctor had recommended it (he was always put on a pedestal that I never understood) but it was something I hated eating and will never touch again for the rest of my life. Animal organs for dinner? NO THANKS!
As a young child, my parents owned a general store for a short time and every Sunday after church we were given ten cents to go and buy something which was usually a bag of mixed lollies which were all one or two cents each at that time. Am I showing my age? ha ha! Then, every Sunday we had a roast with one bottle of soft drink to share between 5 children for dinner. No more, no less. That was about 3/4 a cup each.
Water was our main beverage and I loved water. I didn’t crave for cordial or soft drinks which is just as well as these were not on offer at our place anyway. Often as children, my younger brother and I would play outside contentedly until near dark only coming inside, puffing and panting looking for a big glass of water in between games. How lucky we were that drinking water was encouraged. Water has a huge positive impact on your health.
So, I grew up on a fairly healthy diet and chocolate was only something we ate occasionally as a family on the weekend, and only when we were older. I don’t know whether it was the fact that I was one of five children and that chocolate was only something we could afford on occasion or whether it was just that my Mum knew that it was only good in small quantities.
Food and I have not always been friends.
My food problems or food intolerance symptoms started some 14 years ago when I suffered severe stomach, ulcer-like symptoms. The doctors I consulted could not tell me what was wrong with me, not even after a gastroscopy. After conducting my own food research, I learned what not to eat to make the food problems go away. I was still a bit baffled as to what was causing the food intolerance symptoms but the fact that I no longer experienced pain, was enough to keep me ignorant and happy for some time.
Being a sales representative at the time, I was always chewing gum or had a mint to keep my breath fresh. I was very social and enjoyed dining and drinking. This along with my diet was contributing to my food problems.
When I stopped consuming food and beverages high in amine; a naturally occurring chemical, such as chewing gum, eating anything with mint, bananas and cut back on wine and chocolate, I found I could function normally. I only experienced occasional food intolerance symptoms such as stomach pains.
Eventually, because of the problems I was still experiencing, I was interested to find out how I could stop this stomach problem altogether. I eventually came across a book called Friendly Food written by the people at The Royal Alfred Allergy Unit in Sydney, Australia. Click here read my review of The Friendly Food cookbook. This was the beginning of an amazing journey with much to discover about food.
Issues With Food Run in the Family, Mum.
Further health issues were encountered when I had my second child, a beautiful boy. By 2 & 1/2 years of age, he had severe tantrums that were interfering with functioning on a daily basis and he also had very runny stools. While I cannot say for sure if vaccinations were part of the contributing issue given that he was fine with food when he was younger, I do wonder if this had some impact on his leaky gut.
My intuition told me that something was not quite right with my son and what we were experiencing was not normal for the age. Some of the symptoms included sloppy stools, tantrums about putting clothes on, putting socks on, putting shoes on, having to stop playtime, having to go to bed and too many more to mention. Sometimes tantrums would be violent and last for 1 hour each time. It was mentally and emotionally exhausting and I found myself walking on egg shells around him, afraid of the next tantrum or outburst.
Using humor was out of the question because any joke was considered NOT funny and would result in a tantrum. He would not settle to bed at night but when he did, he needed more sleep than a child of that age. He had dark circles under his eyes related which is a common sign of food intolerance and he would often fidget, jump around like a monkey and make silly noises for no reason at all. All of this behavior was encountered even though we were additive and preservative free. Remember, I’m talking about beyond the usual silly behavior for the age group. He simply could not sit still and he was not at peace within himself. I just knew that what my son was experiencing was a result of food intolerance.
So, our first stop was with a dietitian to do a food elimination diet to work out what was causing all this behavior. I was already familiar with how to do a food restriction diet but because of my son’s age, I wanted to make sure he was getting the proper nutrition. For those wishing to do a food elimination diet, you need to keep a food diary. With each food trial, you can link the food intolerance symptoms to the food based on behavior and bodily functions. I was also very aware of the impact of naturally occurring chemicals in food. Amines and salicylates do impact a body that needs repair and this is common for those suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome.
What We Did About Our Food Intolerance
One of the initial steps I took was to watch a DVD by Australian author Sue Dengate called “Fed Up With Children’s Behaviour”. I found this helpful to show to your family and friends so they can understand what you are going through.
The reason I say this is because it is not uncommon to be criticized for your approach to food problems and food intolerance symptoms. Keep in mind that you know your child and you are the person who can best help your child or yourself.
Others show care through ridicule but they will not have the education you have relating to food intolerance symptoms. It is like trading the stock market. Some people call it gambling because for those people, without an education in the stock market, it is.
For those educated on a chosen subject, you are taking steps to minimize risk and therefore have more knowledge to proceed with care. Treating food intolerance symptoms is the same.
After completing the food elimination diet we modified the diet of the whole family and were seeing some great results. The only issue was that my son was not getting the nutrients he needed because the diet was so restrictive. After a few more conversations with a few more people, we consulted a naturopath who supplemented us to the max. After doing further research, I don’t believe in supplementation but we can only learn from our mistakes and move on. What was beneficial from this process was the tests that were conducted. We were able to identify that the food problems were a result of leaky gut syndrome. After going through a process of two vitamin shakes every day and finally being fed up with the process, we stopped.
We then saw a number of people such as a kinesiologist, osteopathist, we did some bio-resonance also called bio-com, a chiropractor and others.
These may have all had some impact on my son’s health but to what extent, it is hard to know. I believe the biggest impact came as a result of reading somewhere that food is not the problem, the body is!
So, the best thing I could do was to look at healing the leaky gut naturally, through the use of food which had, to date, been the number one enemy. I also removed red meat from our diet which seemed to also have a positive effect on the bowel, given that meat sits in the bowel and is constipating.
After further searching, I consulted a man who I believe to be an absolute food and healing guru and I purchased his eFDR (e Farmacist Desk Reference).
I came to know that to heal the leaky gut, I needed to put him on fermented products. We now have him eating nearly every fruit and vegetable that he is prepared to eat. (yes, I did say “prepared” to eat and we all know how fickle kids can be sometimes).
We do not use supplements and we are moving toward a diet that encompasses higher raw food content. We have started incorporating raw food by introducing dehydrated food along with the usual fresh fruit, which he has been able to eat as a result of introducing fermented foods. I also have my children taste, or drink green smoothies along with water kefir drinks that I make myself.
All the food problems we had were masking the fact that we had a very compassionate, sensitive, very bright boy who was already reading at the age of 5 (had not started school yet), was comprehending grade 1 mathematics and is naturally talented at sport.
It has been a very trying journey to get to this point but if I can offer one pertinent word of advice that was offered to me, it is this; your child, or your body if it is you, is teaching you about food through food symptoms.
He or she is showing you a way to a healthier lifestyle and I have to thank my son for showing me the light and teaching me through some very hard lessons.
I hope my story helps you understand your own situation with food problems or food intolerance symptoms a little better and gives you some tools to work with so you too can move toward healing your body.
There is a way to heal; you just have to apply foods to help in that healing process so that you can return to a normal, healthy diet.
Feel free to ask a question or leave a comment below.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2009 – 2022 thenewsonfood.com ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
Hi Eileen,
thanks for a really great article – and congratulations for being such a committed mom. I just learned that my food problems are linked to milk – which is hard for my as I love to eat cheese … But cutting down has helped me already, so I will keep on going.
And I love your suggestion with the green smoothies, would never have tried them without your post!
.-= Renee´s last blog ..Lose Weight Fast Diets =-.
Hi Renee,
Sorry to hear you have milk problems. Have you tried cosmetic milk / raw milk? I too seem to have a problem with processed milk but can tolerate raw milk extremely well. Those who sell it are not allowed to tell you to drink it but we have been having nothing but raw milk for the past 6 months. Raw milk has so many other benefits. Also, if you still want that cheesy flavour, buy some Lotus brand nutritional yeast flakes and use them in pasta, on pizza and on toast. Yummmmm!
Thanks for stopping by, Eileen.
Wow – we have been through so much of what you described here with our five year old son. His food allergies/intolerance came in the form of Eczema – SEVERE Eczema. It began when he was a baby until he was about two and a half and looking back it really seems exhausting. Of course it is worth it to try to being comfort and relief to your child. We went in circles to visiting chiropractors, ped’s, holistic testing, muscle testing, children’s specialists etc and no one could give us answers. He was down to only eating chicken, peas and rice as we kept trying to reintroduce foods to him but his body kept rejecting them. I just knew there was something that could help bc he could not possibly be allergic to every single food out there except these three.
Our prayers were answered when we heard about a children’s chewable probiotic called Belly Boost which is completely natural and does not contain allergens. We felt comfortable giving it a try – and it was the best choice we could have ever made. Within days we saw a difference. Within weeks we and everyone we knew were amazed! He looked so good and has continued to be nearly Eczema free now for a whole year while taking his probiotics daily…and he can eat lots of foods! YAY!
I truly believe in the power of probiotics and all the ways they can help us. Our whole family takes them now and we love them! Eating fermented foods for us is great for nutrition but we really wanted/needed something way more powerful. I am so happy that you have figured this out with you son too. I know exactly what kinds of hoops you had to go through. 🙂
I focus on living a green and natural life as well as allergies/Eczema. I agree – it is his condition that has led us on this wonderful new green journey!
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for sharing. It is important that other people hear our stories so they can find a solution a lot easier than we did. While I am not a believer in taking supplements, I can understand your position. Kefir products are even more powerful than fermented products but fermented products should produce the same result as chewable tablets. 🙂
Glad to hear you have had improvements with your son. It really does make life easier when you have the food problems solved.
Regards, Eileen.
hello Eileen,
Glad to see how you maintained persistance in your determination to achieve an optimal balance in your lives..Happy to hear you both discuss raw milk above.. I remember taking my cup to the cow with dad every morning.. thanks for these memories as well..
.-= jo´s last blog ..There is a Potent Way to Success =-.
Hi Jo,
It seems that the only way we can drink raw milk in Australia is to literally own a cow and there are people joining herd share to do this as they know the benefits of raw cows milk. People who sell raw milk are fined huge amounts of money if they tell you that cows milk is safe to drink without it being processed. Hopefully this will change one day.
Thanks for your comment.
Regards, Eileen.
I definitely agree with you on the benefits of raw and unproccessed foods. A great alternative to much of the junk in the modern western diet. The human body can only stand so much punishment.
I’ve spent ages searching for raw (ie unpasturised) milk, both goats milk and cows milk, in stores without any luck. As a result I’ve swapped to natural yoghurt instead and am loving it.
Hi Tom,
It is nice to know there are people out there that are going back to a healthy way of living. I don’t know if this helps but you can try sourcing raw milk here http://www.rejoiceinlife.com/kefir/prodgoldcoast.php as they have list of places in Canberra. I am more fortunate here in Victoria as I can get Aphrodite in a few stores or Shultz Organic Timboon cosmetic milk a couple of suburbs across. I hope this helps. You should also try kefir as it is more powerful than raw milk.
Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated.
Having dealt with clients with multiple chemical and food sensitivities I have a pretty good idea about how serious this problem is. Some people respond to treatments like NAET that desensitize the body. Some people need adrenal support of various kinds and they need to ensure they are getting a rich supply of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Mostly they need to stay clear of substances that their bodies perceive as a threat. Eileen, have you looked into vitamin B3, the flushing form?
.-= Wal Heinrich´s last blog ..Genetically Modified Foods – Are They Worth the Risk? =-.
Hi Wal,
My son was vitamin B deficient because his body was not absorbing it so we were on supplements to take care of that. He was not absorbing most nutrients due to the leaky gut syndrome.
We actually did an amino acid test which was from the US. one of the first of its kind I was told and we worked out that we did not have an amino acid problem…a few hundred dollars later. I have not heard of NAET but will look into it now you have mentioned it.
The issue is that we don’t want to desensitize the body; we want to heal it. 🙂 The bi-com was supposed to be a desensitizer. Thanks for your concern Wal. It is always nice to hear from you. Eileen.
Hi, I’m wondering how you were able to tolerate kefir. Anything fermented would be high in amines. Did you have to do any amine de-sensitisation?
.-= Rosered´s last blog ..Genetically Modified Foods – Are They Worth the Risk? =-.
Hi Rosered,
My son was extremely sensitive to amine so we were very careful with high amine foods at one stage. I didn’t have a problem with anything fermented including pure apple cider vinegar. We have been using raw milk too which helps with leaky gut syndrome whereas we could not give him processed milk or processed yoghurt. I use fermented miso too and there has been no impact on behaviour. My understanding is that there are more people effected by salicylate intolerance than amine intolerance although my son and I both had amine problems. I was unable to eat bananas for years but now I can eat bananas although I have had to change my mindset on that one to break the “this is going to hurt” message that my brain sends me every time I contemplate eating a banana.
I was concerned about the naturally occurring chemicals when I was told to start taking ferments but we have not looked back.
Thanks for submitting your comment.
Thanks for your comment.
That’s really interesting. I have amine intolerance and have problems with fermented foods. I’m looking into amine desensitisation at the moment, trying to find more information.
.-= Rosered´s last blog ..Genetically Modified Foods – Are They Worth the Risk? =-.
Hi Rosered,
Is it all fermented foods? I would not recommend processed milk or yoghurt. Are you sure it is amine related? I cannot confirm confidently that the bi-com we did worked. One of the other big things we did was have the sacred meals and this was a great help too. You need to go to bit.ly/FortuneEvents and follow the menu at the top through Success Store and on to Wellness and you will see a food product there. I also recommend you contact Janette via email here in Australia http://bit.ly/RAWCC as I am sure she can help. Hope you are able to overcome the amine problem soon!
Thanks, Eileen.
Yes, all fermented foods and very sensitive to amines. I have not had any processed dairy products for many years. My diet is very limited due to multiple intolerances and allergies. The bicom treatments I had were not successful and I have tried a many different treatments over the years. Thanks for the info and links, I’ll check it out.
.-= Rosered´s last blog ..Genetically Modified Foods – Are They Worth the Risk? =-.
Sorry to hear you are still on a restricted diet Rosered.
I am sure Janette will be able to help you as she is known internationally for her work with healing through raw food. I’d be interested to know how you go and as I say, just drop her an email telling her of your circumstances. I have personally met her a couple of times through a Melbourne raw food group. There is always a solution to these things; you just need to tell yourself that there is so that the doors can open and you find it. I truly believe that. 🙂
All the best and look forward to hearing your progress, Eileen.
Just to expand on B3 for flushing, Niacin or Nicotinic Acid comes in 2 forms, flushing or non-flushing. It is not so easy to get the flushing form in Australia. Those who use it say you get a cleansing of the body. More info here
.-= Wal Heinrich´s last blog ..Genetically Modified Foods – Are They Worth the Risk? =-.
Hi Wal,
Had a read of the link you provided, thank you. My opinion is that what is important is to heal the body naturally using food. A colonic is worth doing for those with toxin build up and also removing meat from your diet can assist to reduce plaque in the bowel. I look to improve the body rather than the symptoms which is what your aim is, I’m sure.
You are a fountain of knowledge. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen,
Thank you for being so open and honest in your posts. It certainly makes for informative reading and I am really enjoying your blog.
As there has been so much discussion on amines and salicylates perhaps you could inform us more on these, what they do and which foods contain them? I know when we were looking into food intolerances for our younger son more information on this would have been great.
Hearing about it from someone who has experienced the fallout is so much better than the text book approach. 😉
.-= Lizzy´s last blog ..Inspirational People – Tony Christiansen =-.
Hi Lizzy,
Sorry to hear that you too had a problem with food intolerance. I do intend on writing a separate post for both amines and salycilates so that people have a greater awareness of what is going on with their food problems. Thanks for letting me know what you would like to see on here. I appreciate your input as it serves to make my blog more informative for others.
Regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen
I was so excited to read your story as I have been on a very similar path with my daughter(now 11). I have been introduced to the FDR and have been trying to work out if this is the best path for us to take! So glad to hear it’s been successful for you. How did your son tolerate the amines in the fermented foods initially? I’m hesitant about introducing foods my daughter reacts to especially salicylates.
Hi Ruth,
Thank you for sharing so openly. From what I recall, my son did not have a reaction to amines when I put him on ferments. I did give him the pulse that Don Tolman recommended. I think it is still ok to be mindful of the fact that our bodies do have a threshold when it comes to naturally occurring chemicals such as amines and salicylates. If you are worried then just introduce food slowly. I also think that removing processed dairy and meat from him diet has had a huge impact. I have to say that I LOVE the FDR for various reasons. I have used it to help with other health issues for us and my friends. It has also helped me teach my children things about food that other kids just aren’t given access to. I put apple cider vinegar in fruit icy pops just to get a ferment into my children because they don’t always like the taste.
You really don’t want to restrict good food longer term so it is good to get the body sorted out.
I’d be interested to hear more in your journey with food.
Thanks for leaving a comment.
Stay well, Eileen.
Thanks Eileen,
Am I being very open? LOL! I have to be to get help! I could go on all night about our journey! Are you saying your son reacted to amines on the elimination diet but not in the ferments?
My daughter’s thresholds appear to be very low & I know lots of people have not been able to tolerate the smallest amounts of fermented foods (not that I’ve tried my daughter). I’m confused whether you need to push thru the reaction or whether you are doing more harm when there is a reaction.
I’ll have to have a closer look at Pulse. I imagine it would be high in sals with all the dried fruit?
Hi Ruth,
I used to see the food journey as a major stress until I spoke with a certain nutritionist who told me that my son was teaching me about food. That statement alone has changed what we eat forever and I am very grateful for the simple words he gave me. It is hard to remember back now but I don’t think he had a reaction when I put him on ferments and the pulse. Having said that, he had been on supplements from a naturopath for some time (before we wiped the shelves of them and threw them in the bin), so he may have been a long way from his natural threshold. I was working toward healing leaky gut and I was seeing an improvement. Sometimes his system even now, does go into overload and you can see it in his emotions and tolerance of situations and if he is tired then he is worse. Given that I am divorced, I am not the one feeding him all the time and that impacts him but I am trying to empower him to make the best food choices for his body when I am not around.
There should be less reaction if the body is heading toward being healed. I’d give the pulse a go Ruth and see how that goes or just try the apple cider vinegar as this is good for the alkalinity of the body and a ferment (or sauerkraut as cabbage should not be a problem) . I found that removing meat and processed dairy alone had a positive impact, as his body was not struggling with foods that would upset his system. I put him on raw milk for a while and if you still want to do dairy then I recommend raw milk (cosmetic milk).
I believe that everyone is different. You want your daughter healed so that you don’t have to stress about healthy food so I would push through if the reaction is mild. I also use Yacon Syrup which is a pre-biotic. I do not think it will have a rating for naturally occurring chemicals.
Unfortunately for my son he also developed encopresis but I have him on a special raw juice combination that has helped him tremendously.
Let me know what you try and how you get on. Sending positive energy your way!
Hi Ruth,
Sorry I did not get back to you earlier. I must have missed this comment somewhere amongst it. My apologies.
My son may have reacted to the ferments from memory so I kept it to a minimum. At this point now though (and he is now 8), I have him on my own water kefir and if he were not such a fussy eater, he could have any food he wanted (healthy foods that is). If your daughter has problems with salicylates then she should be ok on Kefir unless you flavour it with fruit and that may then still be a problem. The pulse does have dried fruits but again, try small amounts. If you get a reaction then cut back. As we eliminate these things from our diet or take a break from foods with medium to high levels of salicylates or amines, we are able to consume them at a later date as we are not constantly pushing close to our own natural threshold which then causes our food intolerance symptoms. Does that make sense? Sometimes it is hard to describe in words.
How is your daughter doing now?
Regards, Eileen.