What is Don Tolman’s FDR?
The FDR or Farmacist Desk Reference as the books are also known, are not your ordinary books on food and healing.
It may not be that easy to find out about them either unless you have been researching how to heal using food, looking for a cure for cancer, know about raw food or heard of Don Tolman who is the wholefood healer and author of The FDR.
I found out about this amazing book through my own family’s food problems and more specifically for the sake of my son who needed to heal from leaky gut syndrome.
Even though the food intolerance symptoms had lessened due to the effort I had made to improve our health, I was not satisfied that what we were doing was the best for our bodies.
After further research, I finally discovered the amazing Don Tolman and the FDR. These are heirloom books and well worth the investment. I’ll be writing more on Don Tolman later as his personal story is fascinating.
About The FDR
When I consider the amount of money I had spent on consultants to identify our food problems from our food intolerance symptoms as well as the supplements we purchased to try and heal our food intolerance, the FDR is a bargain in comparison. You can just pull it from your bookshelf as and when you need.
No need for appointments, no need for prescriptions;
simply read it as necessary and apply the knowledge.
It’s an Encyclopedia of Whole Food Medicine packed with so much information on food and healing that I am still to read the FDR in its entirety.
The FDR has two volumes. Volume one contains, what Don Tolman refers to as ‘golden nuggets’. This volume talks about food and health in general.
It gives you some background information, an insight into the medical industry, pharmaceuticals and why these are dangerous for all of us, and much more.
There is information on feeding your emotions, water fasting, dreams, Gaea, Celtic Tree Astrology, White Stone Carillon, the brain and much more.
Volume two of the FDR lists foods, dis-ease, symptoms and solutions as well as some information on words and letters. This is the larger of the two volumes and the volume I consult most regularly.
You may find as I did, that I was interested to read the FDR just to learn more about food and health even when not using it for medicinal purposes.
How to Use The FDR
The FDR is alphabetically indexed and there is a table of contents to guide you through the book. The only thing I find challenging at times is finding what I need based on the way the FDR is indexed.
Sometimes you need to hunt around a little in the books but I actually enjoy this as I pick up information on food as I go and it adds to my knowledge.
How the books are structured is possibly in line with Don Tolman’s approach related to the imagination and training the brain. You need to ‘think’.
For example, you can alphabetically look up the word cherries and find what they are good for healing.
You can also look up such symptoms as dermatitis and find a solution. It really is up to you to apply the teachings.
If you use your brain to retain the information using Don Tolman’s concepts then you will find it much easier to navigate your way through the FDR.
I understand the power of his approach and have sampled the capabilities through his course ‘Boot camp for Brains’. I am yet to fully apply his information to the extent I would like to in my own life and that of my children’s.
I personally use the FDR on a regular basis. I use to to look up what to do when our body is displaying symptoms of illness, learn more about food and healing and to teach my children about the doctrine of the signatures of food.
Don Tolman’s FDR does more than focus on food, he also provides valuable information on the body and education. The FDR encourages a holistic way of life which I just love and it is revolutionary in its approach.
The last volume is available via the image below. This is Volume 3.
Is The FDR for you?
Personally, I believe The FDR is for everyone. Whether you suffer from food intolerance symptoms or consider yourself healthy, I still believe you will derive huge benefits from owning The FDR.
There are a number of other resources available to you if you want to improve your health and the best way to get started is through eating more raw food.
Don Tolman has saved lives through his approach. He is an international renowned speaker, contributor in some of the largest cancer centres around the world and he has years of knowledge and experience.
He changed my life and as a result, that of my children.
I’d love to hear from you and what you have learned from getting your copy of these amazing healing books or if you have seen Don Tolman live. Let others know your own personal review of The FDR by commenting below.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2009 – 2013 thenewsonfood.com ———————– Disclaimer:I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
Thanks for this article about “What is The FDR?”
I heard about Don Tolman a few months ago from a friend and have been very interested in what he teaches. His revolutionary ways of treating illness gives the medical profession something to think about.
Bev@Permanent Hair Removal Ideas�´s last blog post ..Laser Hair Removal Prices
Hi Bev,
If only we all listened more to people like Don Tolman then we would be a much healthier society. I hope you will choose to learn more about Don Tolman and consider the FDR.
Thanks for your comment Bev.
Stay well, Eileen.
‘What is the FDR’ is a fabulous review, of what I think is one of the best resources anyone could have in their library.
Don Tolman is a funny, caring, interesting man, who is passionate about helping others take an active role in their own health and well-being.
Hi Hilary,
I’m not surprised you already know about the FDR and Don Tolman. 🙂 Have you looked directly into Don Tolman’s eyes? Amazing really.
Thanks for stopping by.
Stay well, Eileen.
The FDR sounds like a fabulous reference book Eileen. I believe we are what we eat and that many of today’s diseases are as a result of food choices we make.
What a great review you give in this post. Thanks.
Jan LittlehalesÃ�´s last blog post ..Cookie Recipe – in Ten Minutes
Hi Jan,
You are right in that what we put in our body our body reflects back and that also relates to environmental sensitivities and products as well. Glad you like the review of The FDR.
Stay well, Eileen. 🙂
G’day Eileen,
Great review. I only wish this had been available 25+ years ago when my wife was bowled over with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia at the same time. It took years for her to work out what worked and what didn’t.
Harry LynnÃ�´s last blog post ..Learning Piano – My Learning Journey Part Four
HI Harry,
What an awful experience for your wife to go through. I hope she got it sorted out completely. If not, let me know and I will help where I can.
Thanks for your comment.
Stay well, Eileen. 🙂
Hi Eileen,
Fantastic review, Don Tolman sounds like a very wise man and his book has obviously helped a lot of people. The right foods can have amazing results for people suffering terrible illness’s. Thanks for sharing.
Belinda�´s last blog post ..Look Hot with Clip in Feather Extensions
Hi Belinda,
You are right in that Don Tolman has helped people the world over. I love it that I can apply what I have learned about food and by using The FDR into our lives. If we look after our body, it will continue to fight to look after us. 🙂
Thanks for your comment and stay well.
Regards, Eileen.
Nice posts, Eileen! Thanks for helping to spread the word & sharing in the Self-Care Revolution. Please feel free to stop by.
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