It really was a Green Smoothie Revolution for the Boutenko family
When I was first looking at raw food and its viability given the food intolerance problems we had experienced, I was invited to a raw food meet up.
Word was that Victoria Boutenko would be there to share a pot luck with the group.
For those of you who don’t know what a pot luck is, it’s where everyone attending the meet up takes a raw dish along and we share the dishes as a communal supper. This is a great way to sample new, tasty raw foods.
At that time I didn’t know who Victoria Boutenko was and didn’t really care. I couldn’t attend that particular meet up but it seems Victoria was determined to make her way into my life regardless. What I mean is that I now own her books green smoothie revolution, 12 steps to raw, raw family signature dishes and green for life.
Initially I wanted to learn about her and what she had to say about raw food and see if it was a scam. You can tell she ended up having a positive impact based on my bookshelf which in turn had a positive impact on my health.
As I read in 12 steps to raw, Victoria Boutenko took dramatic steps to heal her family of different healthy ailments.
She simply put her cookware out on the front lawn one day, regardless of its condition, and literally went raw overnight.
Food Intolerance And Green Smoothies
Some of you may be asking if you can use this book based on your own food intolerance symptoms and as with everything, always adjust according to your ability to have certain foods.
You may find that you can have a red delicious apple combined smoothie or banana smoothie, for example. The aim is to heal your body and be able to consume more foods.
In 12 steps to raw food, Victoria cites some research that was conducted looking at the impact of cooked foods on the body.
While heating food at high temperatures means you can sometimes consume that food, it also means that the body may go into combat mode because the body treats it like a virus entering the body.
To learn more about this you best read 12 steps to raw and see how you are able to change your food problems by applying what Victoria talks about. A great read including lots of research and I highly recommend it.
My personal Green Smoothie Revolution Book Review
I came across Green Smoothie Revolution after taking a journey with food due to my own food problems or food intolerance symptoms. I was keen to lose weight, deal with stress and move forward during a time of personal growth.
Top 6 things I like about Green Smoothie Revolution (and one thing I didn’t)
- Firstly the book cover of Green Smoothie Revolution is appealing to the eye and thus you feel happy to open it up and take a look inside on a regular basis
- Green Smoothie Revolution is well set out with a nice amount of text on each page so is uncluttered and easy to read
- Has 200 recipes that are cross referenced in smoothie name, individual fruit name, vegetable name and in some cases, smoothie names listed under health ailments. So, at a quick look up in the back of the book, you are sure to find something that appeals or is appropriate
- There is more information in the Green Smoothie Revolution than just healthy smoothie recipes
- One down side is that Green Smoothie Revolution does not contain many pictures and those that it does have, are only black and white
- The ingredients recommended in the recipes vary from easy to find, to names that you may need to look up depending on the country in which you reside. That means, if you checked your fruit bowl, you could easily put something together when in need
- There is some great additional information in the Green Smoothie Revolution which is an added bonus to having just a recipe book
Overall, I highly recommend you get a copy of the Green Smoothie Revolution It is a book that should be used daily if you want better health.
Green Smoothie Revolution – book Contents
Just to give you some idea what you can expect to see inside the Green Smoothie Revolution, take a look at the book’s contents:
Part One – Unleas
hing The Healing Power of Greens
- The Miracle of Greens
- Greens, the Key Ingredient in Human Nutrition
- The First Green Smoothie
- The Importance of Rotating Greens in Your Smoothies
- Blending versus Juicing
- A Green Smoothie Q&A
- Green Smoothies for Our Children
- Green Smoothies for Our Pets
- Food Combining for Optimal Green Smoothie Consumption
- Guidelines for Optimal Green Smoothie Consumption
Part Two – Green Smoothie Recipes
Valuable Tips and Tricks for Smoothie Preparation
Green Smoothies for Beginners
Savory Green Smoothies and Soups
Green Smoothies for Adventurous Souls
Green Puddings
Green Smoothies for Children
Green Smoothies for Pets
Green Smoothies for Body Care
AFTERWORD The Worldwide Green Smoothie Revolution
APPENDIX 1 Amazing Weight Loss: A Case Study
APPENDIX 2 Clent Manich: Living on Green Smoothies
APPENDIX 3 How the Raw Family Went Raw
Conclusion & Additional Resources
You can see that the Green Smoothie Revolution has much to offer. A change in your routine by incorporating these into your diet will have a dramatic impact on your health and you’ll even find you a decrease in appetite as your body gets more of the nutrients it needs.
There are many other resources that can assist you in your raw journey and I have listed some below. Or, you can get your copy now by clicking on this link of Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health
The Raw Diet guide will help you can get started straight away.
I’d love to hear your story or your own review of the Green Smoothie Revolution so please leave your comment below this article.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2009 – 2014 ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
Green Smoothie Revolution is a great book. I totally agree. It gives much information and encouragement to those who what to easily and simply and totally improve their health, one green smoothie at a time.
However as for smoothie recipes, once you tried a few of the recipes, you won’t need a recipe book anymore. Greens, fruit, water and a blender… and you are your own green smoothie chef!
Hi Mary Jane,
I agree that once you are comfortable with some recipes you can continue to try your own. Sometimes it is nice to have the books on hand just for a change or if you need to treat an ailment. Great to see you are a raw foodie! Enjoy the journey.
We love having a green smoothie every morning – we either have a green one or a red one – depends on what fruit or veggies we have to put it all together. The mornings that we do not have a smoothie then I feel too hungry for the rest of the day 🙂
Great to read about a book that shares Green Smoothies.
Lisa Wood�´s last blog post ..Children Their World Their Education
Hi Lisa,
So wonderful to hear of other families that are taking a healthy approach. You guys rock! 🙂
Thanks for your comment and stay well.
For those into smoothies, the green smoothie revolution book looks perfect. Great recipes for everyone.
Jackie Stenhouse�´s last blog post ..Cupcake Wraps
Hi Jackie,
Indeed The Green Smoothie Revolution book is loaded with recipes which is great for the beginner or those looking for variety. Thanks for stopping by Jackie.
Stay well, Eileen.
Sounds like a green smoothie is a good healthy way to start the day. Like the fact that it helps with weight loss and decreases appetite, which can be a problem mid morning.
Kerry Lea�´s last blog post ..Blue Mountains Tours
Hi Kerry Lea,
Yes, I love it that I feel all those benefits. After a while you stop craving bad food. It just falls off the menu and you never look back!
Stay well, Eileen.
The green smoothie revolution book sounds interesting.
I often have a smoothie for breakfast, but not a raw veggie one, it’s a bought one that’s high in protein and I add fiber and flax seed oil to it. It’s delicious.
I really should try some raw veggie smoothies – I’m sure I’d love them.
Jan LittlehalesÃ�´s last blog post ..Peach Muffins – in Ten Minutes
Hi Jan,
I have enjoyed using The Green Smoothie Revolution book. It is always good to vary your greens in smoothies. There seems to be some debate as to whether we should be adding flaxseed oil to smoothies or our diet in general rather than real flaxseeds. I am still sitting on the fence and researching this one. It is always better to do smoothies fresh yourself. Hope you will try some raw veggie ones soon! 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.
Hello again Eileen,
I’m in to anything that will improve general health. Must investigate Green Smoothies. They sound delicious and would certainly be good for you.
Doctor Bill
Doctor BillÃ�´s last blog post ..Ash Wednesday – Whatever is Ash Wednesday
Hi Dr Bill,
All I can say is….Do it! 🙂 My health improved out of sight after I introduced green smoothies. I love them!
Stay well, Eileen.
Smoothies provide excellent nutrients for your body with unrestricted ingredients. If you are wearing a spare tyre smoothies will naturally reduce that excess. You cannot h
John Davis�´s last blog post ..Your Valentine
Hi John,
You are right about the weight dropping off. When I first started having green smoothies my weight dropped considerably but in all the right places. I love the difference in energy and health that goes with having green smoothies.
Bottoms up! Eileen.