Healing Meditation – an introduction
Aside from using food, there are also other forms of healing. Meditation is one of them and has been around for approximately 5000 years, from my understanding. Even so, many people view meditation as a new age concept; although it is true to say that the popularity of healing meditation did not become more widespread until the 20th century.
There are many types of healing meditation but generally you will find that you either use a focused meditation or one that does not require you to concentrate. Healing meditation works by slowing the inner frequencies of the brain. Some healing meditation techniques work better than others and I recommend you choose a form of healing meditation that works for you.
Healing Meditation – my story may just help you
Dealing with food intolerance symptoms or food problems related to leaky gut syndrome, salicylates and amines, to name a few, required some form of positive action to get myself and my son well. The action I took propelled me on a journey to discover food, its powers and how I could use it to finally cure the food intolerance symptoms we had encountered. Thus, from a ‘body’ perspective, I had achieved what I set out to do; heal the body so that we no longer had to live on a restricted diet.
From a psychological perspective, I personally still needed healing. Meditation came into my life through an advertisement but before I expand on this further, I’ll share a little personal background on why I felt like I needed healing on a psychological level.
Most of us have some personal story to share and I’m no different in that respect. I come from a family where I am one of five children and I had a father who worked very hard to support us which meant not seeing him very much. My mother raised us full time. Their marriage ended when I was around 13 years old and for me, that led to an estranged relationship with one parent and no contact with the other. I moved out of home from an early age and would board with friend’s parents, working on weekends to get by while I was still in year 12.
Life always felt tough but I refused to let it get to me and so I always had a smile on my face and people always saw me as a happy person. I had a little Austudy to get through my first university Diploma and I worked my holidays to earn my fees to go back to study each year and earn my keep. I then went on to teach primary children for a short time then moved into sales because of the continual ‘fire in the belly’ that I have always had. Ever since I can remember, I have wanted my own business so I never felt completely satisfied in any role I was working in for someone else. We will jump a few chapters of my life from here.
I started my first business with my partner at the time and in that time, completed a graduate diploma of Marketing at Monash in Melbourne, Australia. Working with my partner placed a huge strain on our relationship so leaving to start a family was a welcome change. Through that time, I lost myself , was very unhappy and I was what everyone else wanted me to be. I did not have time to pursue my passions and life was hard. I was running a house, raising 3 children who were 4 years and under while my partner at the time was still focusing on his business. I was also running my own business part time from home in an attempt to salvage some identity from my own dealings in the business world, prior to having my beautiful children. I was dealing with food intolerance symptoms and I felt like I was running a treadmill that was just getting faster and faster. Then, after nearly 20 years together, my marriage ended in 2009. I felt like I had failed and failure was not something I was used to in my life because I had always achieved what I set out to do.
One day somewhere in the year 2008, I was on Facebook and I happened to click on an advertisement about healing meditation that offered a free demo CD. I was a bit skeptical but gave it a try. Initially, I didn’t think it had an impact but one day I was sitting working at my computer with a chronic headache so I listened to the audio again. Without realizing, I fell asleep at the computer and when I woke, my headache was gone and I felt peace and clarity. I then went on to explore the program further and cannot tell you the amazing benefits I have received from healing meditation.
Healing meditation – the benefits
I have used healing meditation in nearly all aspects of my life. I have used healing meditation to look at problems, solutions, come up with ideas, change my self-esteem, for motivation, to help me get to sleep, to calm the inner spirit, to calm my mind, to help me think with more clarity, to remove negativity from my life and my thoughts and to help stay in the now – The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Healing meditation – get started today and change your life
The important thing about healing meditation is to find one that suits you. Some people prefer to do meditation to music, others in silence, others without needing to think, some guided and others on audio. I’ve provided a few programs for you to take a look at below. Whatever you decide, I highly recommend you incorporate meditation into your life as the benefits are well worth it.
- Downloads available for guaranteed altered state of consciousness here
- Audio program (this is the one I started with) click here
- Meditation and Yoga Certification Program click here
- Guided meditation program click here
- Regression (this one I also use and love it) Spiritual Progress Through Regression (The Meditation Regression)
- ULTIMATE Meditation Kit (very popular) click here
- Trypnaural Meditation Program click here to find out more
Healing meditation can make a difference in your life and I know the power it has had from my own personal experience. I hope you will choose experiment with a few meditation programs to find programs that suits you and start making a difference in your life. Whatever personal development or improvement you make to your own well being ultimately impacts those around you in a positive way. This can be professionally, personally or socially.
Here is to healing through mind, body and spirit.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2009 – 2012 thenewsonfood.com ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
Jan Littlehales says
What a great post Eileen – and thank you for sharing your story with us. I read somewhere that Gandhi used to spend one day a week in meditation – not speaking with anyone and not eating anything. He sat in silence, thinking and meditating. Even though I’ve never really tried healing meditation, it makes a lot of sense to me and I would definitely consider it. Thanks. Jan
.-= Jan Littlehales´s last blog ..Raising Great Kids – Cycling =-.
Eileen Baudinette says
Hi Jan,
Yes, fasting and healing meditation can have an amazing impact on a person. I just finished a 1 day cabala juice fast a couple of days ago and I have done one day water fasts in the past. I’m just about up to the stage of doing a longer fast but my body was not ready prior to now. I think the meditation helps to get you to where you need to be in terms of mind, body and spirit health.
Glad you enjoyed the post and please, try healing meditation. You will be surprised!!
Regards, Eileen.
Cherie Rasmussen says
Hi Eileen
Thank you for your openess and honesty. You truly touched my heart and I know that many of us have, like you said, stories to tell.
Meditation is a truly wonderful gift that we can give ourselves. To focus in the moment and slow my mind down helps me stay balanced and when I do this, I know that I am going to have a great day. After meditation, these are they days that go with the flow and all happenins are balanced. Where the days I am not focused seems to be one of those ‘red light’ days.
Thank you for the links of the different meditations available and I am going to check them out now.
Looking forward to reading your next article.
Many thanks – Cherie R
.-= Cherie Rasmussen´s last blog ..Using Affiliate Resources To Your Advantage =-.
Eileen Baudinette says
Hi Cherie,
I felt that the only way for people to see the benefits of meditation was to share my story and then share how it has helped me. There is no way I could go back to not having meditation in my life now I have experienced it.
Thanks for your comment.
Regards, Eileen.
BelindaO says
Hi Eileen,
I must admit i was give a meditation CD some time ago, which is still sitting in my cupboard, why is it that we know the health benefits but still cannot take time out for ourselves to relax and enjoy the peace and clarity.I am checking out your downloads now, thank you for sharing.
.-= BelindaO´s last blog ..10 Tips for Internet Marketing Promotion =-.
Eileen Baudinette says
Hi Belinda,
Thanks for your comment. If you are struggling to find time to listen to it then I recommend putting it on just before you go to bed. I actually find that, even if it is really late, I get a higher quality sleep listening to a healing meditation audio before I go to sleep. You wake up feeling so much more refreshed even if your sleep time has only been 6 hours with 1/2 hour meditation beforehand. The other thing about healing meditation too is that you will find that once you start doing it regularly, you get addicted. You crave some meditation time. I dare you to pull that CD out of the cupboard. 🙂
Take good care, Eileen.
jo says
Thank you for this post, Eileen – I knew there was a reason you are so together. Thanks for sharing your story, and as Cherie notes, all the links. You are right – we each have different ways to do the same thing. It is a bit sad that we often come to Meditation as a ‘last resort’ when if we used it in the first instance, our life doesn’t ‘hit the wall’. Now, at least, we can utilise it ourselves and lead by example. A quality post as always.
.-= jo´s last blog ..Empowering Mindset – Mastering Self =-.
Eileen Baudinette says
Hi Jo,
Thanks for stopping by again. It is true that sometimes we don’t take action until the last minute. The positive in that is that our bodies are sending out an alert and the good thing is that if we do take action at the last minute then at least we have listened to our bodies / intuition. Sometimes it takes to get to the ‘alert’ stage to recognize what we should do.
I just love healing meditation and hope others will be inspired to start because there are tremendous benefits to healing meditation even if you cannot feel it initially.
Warm regards, Eileen.
Renee says
Hi Eileen,
I have been doing meditation on and off throughout my life and every time I do it I wonder why I don’t do it more often. Up to now it has mainly been silent meditations, but I will have a look at the links you provided as guided meditations can make it much easier.
From everything I know you are a great person – sharing your story showed me even more of that wonderful person. Your kids definitely have a great, dedicated mom – congratulations for everything you have achieved so far (and all the great things to come into your life)!
.-= Renee´s last blog ..Self Improvement – 25 Self Motivation Quotes =-.
Eileen Baudinette says
Hi Renee,
I definitely enjoy the guided meditations and I personally believe it makes it easier. However, some people are not into the guided style. It is true that the more meditation you do, the more you see the benefits and feel the need for more. I hope you will choose to continue to explore this for yourself.
Thank you for your kind words too. 🙂
Regards, Eileen.
Renee @ Personal Fitness Equipment says
Hi Eileen,
healing meditation is a powerful tool to help us in our lifes. I think it should be tought in school as it will help kids as well. And once you are in the habit of doing it you will use it throughout your life.
Thanks for the links provided, and I hope you are still practicing your meditation 🙂
Renee @ Personal Fitness Equipment�´s last blog post ..Vibro Plates
Eileen Baudinette says
Hi Renee,
Yes, I too believe that they should teach it to children and in schools in general. This is something I hope to get more into in the future. Indeed…I practice my meditation almost daily. I usually listen to it when I am going to sleep but otherwise….any time during the day when I have a moment. The benefits are fantastic and I highly recommend healing meditation to everyone.
Stay well, Eileen.