Food Inc. Movie – Making a Start
So you have taken an interest in what goes on your plate. I congratulate you for taking the time to research the Food Inc. movie and doing more than just going to the supermarket in a hungry state and filling your trolley.
You do realize that it is not good to go shopping just before meal time or when you are hungry don’t you? Or you will end up in the confectionery and ice-cream aisle for the entire shopping experience. Oh, and I don’t think they are hiring official grape taste-testers either!
I also recommend you ring the supermarket prior to your visit to ensure they are playing music you like whilst you browse the aisles. 😉
I feel that you will benefit greatly and even change what you eat after watching the Food Inc. movie.
If you suffer from food intolerance symptoms or food problems then the Food Inc. movie might also encourage you to change what you eat or at least look at further resources to find out more about your food intolerance symptoms.
Food Inc. Movie – a Little About It
The Food Inc. movie, from a regional perspective, is mainly about what takes place in the USA, but it should be enough to make us all look at our food and ask where it has been.
Of course, you might not get a response directly from your plate so it might be worth just asking this question quietly in your head ok?
Topics covered include:
- how foods and animals are becoming engineered,
- how animals are being fed foods outside of their regular diet,
- the impact of subsidies, government and large companies on food production, supply and demand,
- the cost of production and the price of food and its impact on the health of the nation including food selection based on socio-economic conditions.
The Food Inc movie also covers a story by a food advocate who’s son died as a result of food poisoning.
Yes, some of the content of the Food Inc. movie may make your stomach turn and I recommend you watch it well after you have eaten your last meal.
However, give some thought to the workers in the Food Inc. movie who are subjected to how animals are slaughtered and illness passed on from preparing carcasses, on a daily basis. These workers are subjected to certain conditions and limitations based on their background and circumstances.
Food Inc. Movie – Reviewed
The Food Inc. movie provides, my opinion, a comprehensive enough understanding of the history of food, changes in the way food is produced, controlled, marketed and sold to the consumer. That’s YOU by the way. So stop doing neck stretching exercises from left to right and get a mirror out.
One of the points that hit home for me based on watching the Food Inc. movie was that, we as consumers can impact change through what we demand. If you stop buying it, you are making a statement. Then, if enough of us stop buying foods that are not good for us then we can impact change.
This is a documentary style movie that flows well and is easy to follow and understand.
Then there is the story of young child called Kevin who died from food poisoning and as a result, the family pushed for a change to law.
I was a little puzzled when I saw the size of the lady who’s son died as a result of food poisoning and also one of the leaders of the teenage food counseling groups depicted in the Food Inc. movie. I would be interested to know what these people eat after the fact.
Even after watching the Food Inc. movie, it is good to research further to make sure that you are satisfied with the information presented.
Food Inc. Movie – resources
During the Food Inc. movie there were interviews with authors of such books as Fast Food Nation (pictured on right) and TheOmnivore’s Dilemma (pictured on left).
At this point I have not had a chance to read either of these books after watching the Food Inc. Movie. If you have already read either or both of them then I’d love to hear your opinion and you can do this by commenting at the end of this article.
If you would like to make a difference then you can click on this link to find out more about the rally to stop GM foods and lack of food labeling in relation to GM foods. Monsanto who are mentioned in the Food Inc. movie are also mentioned in this Facebook group.
Food Inc Movie Preview
Watch a preview of the Food Inc. movie below.
Whatever you choose to do, I recommend you eat lots of carrots (organic of course); because they are good for your sight and read the labels on the food you buy.
I’d like to reiterate that it is us that either encourages food producers to keep to their existing processes or change what they do so we are provided with healthier choices.
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2009 – 2012 ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
I just want to say that I had a great fun reading this kind of stuff. Yeah! I will purchase from the Food Inc. movie here and make sure that I will bookmark your blog page to leave a comment. I’d love to hear what you think of the Food Inc. movie.
Monika�´s last blog post ..Get rid of man boobs
Hi Monika,
Hope you find the movie worthwhile. I know I did and I’m also going to read the books mentioned in the movie. I’m currently reading 12 Steps To Raw Foods and really enjoying it.
Thanks for your comment.
Stay well, Eileen.