Cradle Cap explained
Cradle cap is quite common in babies and can appear within three months of birth. Sometimes cradle cap is referred to as seborrheic dermatitis.
There are varying degrees of cradle cap and it can vary from a rash on the head to a crusty skin condition that can sometimes spread to the ears and eyebrows.
I have had my own varying experience with my children and cradle cap. My first born had a mild case, my second born had quite a severe case that required cradle cap treatment because it spread to his eyebrows and ears, and my third born also had a mild case.
I used to get a few comments from people and also opinions on what they thought was the best cradle cap treatment.
There are many theories out there as to what causes cradle cap. Treatment advice also varies and it seems there is a lot of speculation as to the cause of cradle cap without any one united opinion.
Many will tell you that it is overactive sebaceous glands that cause the problem. If this is the case then I believe you need to take a good look at what baby is being fed to cause this symptom.
Food intolerance symptoms or food problems can, in my opinion, be linked to cradle cap. What your baby is getting through breast milk or formula can be causing cradle cap.
For this reason, it is important that a breast feeding mother be aware of what she is eating because food colors, food preservatives and food additives can be passed to the baby.
For more information on food additives, we use this book at home. Formula might also be causing problems for baby. It could also be that your baby is already suffering food intolerance symptoms and cradle cap the body’s way of indicating a reaction.
I can share with you that my second child who had severe cradle cap also suffered badly from food intolerance symptoms as a toddler. So I personally believe there is a link between the two. This was less evident with my other two children. This is obviously just my opinion but it may assist you to know this when looking at a cradle cap treatment.
Cradle cap treatment
It is true that you do not need to treat cradle cap but it can become quite unsightly and smelly. It has also been said that it does not annoy the baby. Some babies do scratch it however and I know my second child did scratch at his scalp regularly.
There are many lotions and potions on offer as a cradle cap treatment. If you search the internet you will find that there are also many opinions on cradle cap treatment.
If you are going to look at a lotion to put on your baby’s head as a cradle cap treatment then I recommend you take a good look at the ingredients.
I tried a Jurlique product as a cradle cap treatment and found it made my baby’s head very red and irritated and we needed to discontinue use. The good thing was that they did take the product back with a smile.
What I found worked as a cradle cap treatment was a combination of cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil and bi-carbonate of soda.
I used about 2 tablespoons of the oil and 2 teaspoons of the bicarb. Mix it together, put it on your baby’s head. Leave it there for 15 minutes and remove promptly.
You will need to remove it gently using circular motions with your fingers, otherwise the bi-carb will cause a rubbing rash.
If this cradle cap treatment is applied daily, you should see an improvement over time. Don’t force the crusts off; just let them come away gently as you remove the oil and bi-carb mix.
If you are not keen to use the bicarbonate with the Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a cradle cap treatment then you can just use the Extra Virgin Olive Oil on its own. Put some on the scalp of your baby, not too much so that it seeps off the scalp as it might get in baby’s eyes, and leave it on for as long as possible during the day. Then gently rub with your fingertips and remove some of the cradle cap; without force or picking it off.
This will probably require more than one treatment but it should work wonders as it loosens the crust. Keep in mind that not all oils are created equally and that is why I have recommended a good quality olive oil for your cradle cap treatment.
I did find that the cradle cap subsided over time. If left untreated, it may still remain on the scalp for some years. I found that my daughter had remnants of her mild case of cradle cap up to the age of nine.
This was less of an issue with my youngest child and signs of cradle cap had disappeared by the age of two.
My other child who suffered from food intolerance symptoms did require cradle cap treatment and even so, the condition had disappeared by the age of about four.
My recommendation for cradle cap treatment, aside from the oil is to look at what baby is getting through the milk or formula. This may require a breast feeding mother to conduct a food elimination diet or just remove certain things from her diet to see what impact that has.
From my experience with cradle cap treatment I can honestly say that the olive oil is the best and safest way for baby. Try it and see!
Your News On Food brought to you by Eileen Baudinette Food and Health Commentator. © 2009 – 2012 ———————–Disclaimer:
I’m no medical expert and information contained on this blog is written through my own experience with the aim of furthering your education on health. It is your responsibility as to how you use this information and I cannot be held liable for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information provided.
Hi Eileen,
This post will be appreciated by a great many people. Cradle cap is something that is quite common. I knew of the oil treatment from my family wisdom ‘box’, but the addition of the bicarb. is an interesting addition. One of my children was sensitive enough to show signs, and like yours, took some years to desensitize. I shall enjoy sharing this post.
.-= Jo Carey-Bradshaw´s last blog ..Empowering Mindset – Imagination =-.
Hi Jo,
Before I knew what I do about food and how powerful it is, I tried many cradle cap treatments. Admittedly, some that I should not have touched….but we live and learn. I just hope others can take stock of my experience and avoid the shelf products.
Thanks for your comment, it is very much appreciated.
Warm regards, Eileen.
Hi Eileen – I too found olive oil very good for getting rid of cradle cap when my boys were babies. It didn’t look the best but it worked. Great idea to add bicarb. Thanks for another great post. Jan
.-= Jan Littlehales´s last blog ..Chicken Stir Fry Recipe – in Ten Minutes =-.
Hi Jan,
Sometimes we just need to go back to basics! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Regards, Eileen.
Cradle Cap treatment its really useful then its a common natural way to prevent those who have skin disorder.By having this its a lot big help for us.
You can’t suggest enough the importance of natural food for the well-being of babies. The excessive use of food colors, food preservatives and food additives is contributing to the rising occurrence of skin disorders. We really need to go back to the basics, not only sometimes but in general.
TrinkwassersprudlerÃ�´s last blog post ..SodaStream Crystal – “Produkt des Jahres 2011″
Very well put! I do believe that additives impact the skin problems such as cradle cap for babies. Thanks for your input. 🙂
Stay well, Eileen.